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Friday, May 31

9:00am EDT

"Applied Theatre and Refugee and Diasporic Studies"
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
This paper links applied theatre to refugee and diasporic studies, reflecting on personal experiences facilitating theatre with refugees. / Este artículo vincula el teatro aplicado a los estudios sobre refugiadxs y diáspora, y reflexiona sobre experiencias personales facilitando el teatro con refugiadxs.

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.


Fadi Skeiker

Fordham University
I am an applied theatre artist/scholar. My work centers around refugees and immigrants experiences.
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Triton's Pub

10:45am EDT

Introduction to Pedagogy of the Oppressed: See, Analyze, Act / Introducción a la Pedagogía del Oprimido: Ver, Analizar, Actuar
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
In this hands-on workshop we’ll explore foundational concepts of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed. With praxis as our goal we’ll build culture circles, generate themes, and practice Freire’s coding-decoding-recoding process for analysis, reflection, and transformative action. / En este taller práctico exploraremos conceptos fundamentales de la Pedagogía del Oprimido de Paulo Freire. Con la praxis como objetivo, construiremos círculos culturales, generaremos temas y practicaremos el proceso de codificación-decodificación-recodificación de Freire para el análisis, la reflexión y la acción transformadora.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Charles Adams

Charles Adams

Lecturer, Augsburg University
Charles Adams is a teacher, writer, dramaturg, and facilitator/joker in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. He has a PhD in Theatre Historiography from the University of Minnesota and an MFA in drama and theatre for youth from the University of Texas at Austin. His research is in areas... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Triton's Pub

3:15pm EDT

Restorative Theatre™: an Embodied Praxis Pedagogy in Creating Community & Healing with Youth (Part 1) / Sanación Comunitaria a través del Teatro Restaurativo© (Parte 1)
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Experience how we use Restorative Theatre™ in schools, detention centers, and professional development. The first half culminates in our storytelling process “Chair Your Story” inspired by Boal’s, “Great Game of Power”.The second half takes participants through personal exploration of privilege/ identity as the role of facilitator through Image Theatre, Viewpoints and Devising.

Join Mirror Image Arts (Denver-based non-profit) in an interactive session delving into the pedagogy and praxis of Restorative Theatre© as a tool for deconstructing, restoration, and healing within a community. This is the first part of a double session. / Únase a Mirror Image Arts (una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Denver) en una sesión interactiva que profundiza en la pedagogía y la praxis del Restorative Theatre© (Teatro Restaurativo) como herramienta para la deconstrucción, la restauración y la curación dentro de una comunidad. Parte 1 de una sesión doble. 

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Maya Osterman-Van Grack

Executive Director of Programs, Mirror Image Arts
Maya received her BFA in Theatre Performance from the University of Colorado with a focus in applied theatre through the Interactive Theatre Project (a theatre ensemble utilizing Theatre of the Oppressed techniques to address social justice issues on campus). After graduating Maya... Read More →

Kiana English

Mirror Image Arts
avatar for Maddy Chilese

Maddy Chilese

Your Voice Program Manager, Mirror Image Arts
Maddy Chilese is an Actor/Writer/Teaching Artist with over 20 years of related experience. After getting her B.A. in Acting from the University of Northern Colorado. She worked and studied in Chicago, focusing on Improv and new works. In New York City, where she lived for ten years... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Triton's Pub

5:00pm EDT

Restorative Theatre™: an Embodied Praxis Pedagogy in Creating Community and Healing with Youth (Part 2 of a double session) / Sanación Comunitaria a través del Teatro Restaurativo© (Parte 2)
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Experience how we use Restorative Theatre™ in schools, detention centers, and professional development. The first half culminates in our storytelling process “Chair Your Story” inspired by Boal’s, “Great Game of Power”.The second half takes participants through personal exploration of privilege/ identity as the role of facilitator through Image Theatre, Viewpoints and Devising.

Join Mirror Image Arts (Denver-based non-profit) in an interactive session delving into the pedagogy and praxis of Restorative Theatre™ as a tool for deconstructing, restoration, and healing within a community. This is the second part of a double session. / Únase a Mirror Image Arts (una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Denver) en una sesión interactiva que profundiza en la pedagogía y la praxis del Restorative Theatre© (Teatro Restaurativo) como herramienta para la deconstrucción, la restauración y la curación dentro de una comunidad. Parte 2 de una sesión doble.

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Maya Osterman-Van Grack

Executive Director of Programs, Mirror Image Arts
Maya received her BFA in Theatre Performance from the University of Colorado with a focus in applied theatre through the Interactive Theatre Project (a theatre ensemble utilizing Theatre of the Oppressed techniques to address social justice issues on campus). After graduating Maya... Read More →

Kiana English

Mirror Image Arts
avatar for Maddy Chilese

Maddy Chilese

Your Voice Program Manager, Mirror Image Arts
Maddy Chilese is an Actor/Writer/Teaching Artist with over 20 years of related experience. After getting her B.A. in Acting from the University of Northern Colorado. She worked and studied in Chicago, focusing on Improv and new works. In New York City, where she lived for ten years... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Triton's Pub

7:30pm EDT

Social: PTO Social Time and Karaoke / Evento Social Y Karaoke con la PTO
Friday May 31, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm EDT
Spend social time with conference attendees! Sing! Dance! Have fun! Beverages will be available! Rides for people staying at the Hampton Inn & Suites will be available. / ¡Pase tiempo social con lxs asistentes a la conferencia! ¡Cantar! ¡Bailar! ¡Divertirse! ¡Habrá bebidas disponibles! Habrá transporte en coches disponible para las personas que se alojen en el Hampton Inn & Suites.
Friday May 31, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm EDT
Triton's Pub
Saturday, June 1

9:00am EDT

Weathering the storm: Wellbeing and Self-knowledge / Capeando la tormenta: bienestar y autoconocimiento
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
This workshop is inspired by creative techniques to explore innovative ways to engage in self-care. You will be invited to immerse in experiential activities, such as creative writing. You may be able to release any stress in your lives, and redirect your energy in a liberatory way. / Este taller está inspirado en técnicas creativas para explorar formas innovadoras de participar en el cuidado personal. Se les invitará a sumergirse en actividades experienciales, como la escritura creativa. Es posible que puedan liberar cualquier estrés en sus vidas y redirigir su energía de una manera liberadora.

This session will be bilingual: English and Portuguese. / Esta sesión será bilingüe: inglés y portugués.

Rita Baptista

Oxford Brookes University
I graduated in Social Education from the Higher Education School of Education (ESEP) in Porto (Portugal). I also concluded two Postgraduate Certificates: one in Psychopathology and Psychotherapy of Childhood and Adolescents and one in Social Intervention with children and young people... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Triton's Pub

10:45am EDT

Playground of Curiosity: What is it like when... / Patio de juegos de la curiosidad: ¿Cómo es cuando...
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Playground of Curiosity: What is it like when...? When you find yourself flummoxed by the people around you due to your disability? When you are with a friend with a disability and no one’s talking about it. This workshop will bring us joy and somewhat of a saga! / Patio de juegos de la curiosidad: ¿Cómo es cuando...? ¿Cuando se encuentra desconcertadx por las personas que le rodean debido a su discapacidad? Cuando está con unx amigx con discapacidad y nadie habla de ello. ¡Este taller nos traerá alegría y algo de una saga!

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

elizaBeth Simpson

PhD candidate, University of Illinois
I have been affiliated with Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed since 1999.
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Triton's Pub

3:15pm EDT

Practical Approaches to "Deep Equity" & "Liberatory Leadership" (Part 1 of a double session) / Un enfoque práctico para la "equidad profunda" y el "liderazgo liberador" (Parte 1 de una sesión doble)
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
"Deep Equity?"Liberatory Leadership? This workshop calls us all to continue the legacy of freedom fighters to lead and support challeges to oppressive systems. Through proven methods, practical tools and experiential activities, partcipants will be better able to advance their work in the world. Part 1 one of a double session. / "¿Equidad profunda?" “¿Liderazgo liberador?” Este taller nos llama a todxs a continuar el legado de lxs luchadorxs por la libertad para liderar y apoyar los desafíos a los sistemas opresivos. A través de métodos probados, herramientas prácticas y actividades experienciales, lxs participantes podrán avanzar mejor en su trabajo en el mundo. Parte 1 de una sesión doble. 

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Debra Alexander

Principal, Alexander Consulting & Training, Inc.
Debra Alexander Organization Development (OD) Consultant DEIA Strategist and HR Advisor Debra Alexander has many years of experience working in the higher education, non-profit and for profit, and public service sectors. A former Federal employee, she worked for HHS and OPM, and... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Triton's Pub

5:00pm EDT

Practical Approaches to "Deep Equity" & "Liberatory Leadership" (Part 2 of a double session) / Un enfoque práctico para la "equidad profunda" y el "liderazgo liberador" (Parte 2 de una sesión doble)
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
"Deep Equity?" Liberatory Leadership? This workshop calls us all to continue the legacy of freedom fighters to lead and support challeges to oppressive systems. Through proven methods, practical tools and experiential activities, partcipants will be better able to advance their work in the world. Part 2 one of a double session. / "¿Equidad profunda?" “¿Liderazgo liberador?” Este taller nos llama a todxs a continuar el legado de lxs luchadorxs por la libertad para liderar y apoyar los desafíos a los sistemas opresivos. A través de métodos probados, herramientas prácticas y actividades experienciales, lxs participantes podrán avanzar mejor en su trabajo en el mundo. Parte 2 de una sesión doble. 

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Debra Alexander

Principal, Alexander Consulting & Training, Inc.
Debra Alexander Organization Development (OD) Consultant DEIA Strategist and HR Advisor Debra Alexander has many years of experience working in the higher education, non-profit and for profit, and public service sectors. A former Federal employee, she worked for HHS and OPM, and... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Triton's Pub

7:30pm EDT

Social: PTO Final Night Social Gathering / Evento social para celebrar la noche final de la conferencia
Saturday June 1, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm EDT
Come to the final night social gathering for dancing, music, karaoke, fun, and socializing! / ¡Vengan a este evento social de la última noche de la conferencia para bailar, escuchar música, karaoke, divertirte y socializar!
Saturday June 1, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm EDT
Triton's Pub
Sunday, June 2

9:00am EDT

Historical Narrative Art: Now a Restorative Practice / Arte narrativo histórico: ahora una práctica restaurativa
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
The workshop will be a presentation on narrative paintings centered on history and a hands on activity where participants will start or create a work of art that is historical in context. / El taller será una presentación sobre pinturas narrativas centradas en la historia y una actividad práctica donde lxs participantes comenzarán o crearán una obra de arte histórica en su contexto.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Dr. Dallas Jackson

Researcher and artist, Dr. Dallas Jackson- artist
I am a practicing artist, research consultant with USF REACH grant, a 30 year educator having led schools in high poverty communities and have worked K12 through postsecondary teaching and leading teachers. My arts practice is focused on historical narratives of African American life... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Triton's Pub

10:45am EDT

Non-Joking Matters: The Ethics of Performance-Based Research / Asuntos que no son de broma: la ética de la investigación basada en el performance
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
This paper presentation explores jokering performed to resist or reify exclusion. Our guiding question: How can we reproduce anti-oppressive performance arts-based research without reproducing oppression? is answered from our dialogical development of self and projects over the last three years. / Esta presentación de artículo explora interpretar un rol de curinga para resistir o materializar la exclusión. Nuestra pregunta guía: ¿Cómo podemos reproducir la investigación anti-opresiva basada en las artes escénicas sin reproducir la opresión? Se responde desde nuestro desarrollo dialógico de nosotrxs mismxs y de nuestrxs proyectos durante los últimos tres años.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Cornelio Aguilera

Cornelio Aguilera

Officer/Teatro Coach/Actor, Outcast Theatre Collective
Cornelio “Coky” Aguilera (he, him, el, del, etc.) studied as an Acting Specialist at UW Madison, moved to the Tampa area, and has been working professionally with the following companies since 2012: Stageworks Theatre, A Simple Theatre, The Tampa Repertory Theatre, St. Petersburg... Read More →
avatar for Tara Nkrumah

Tara Nkrumah

ASU Assistant Professor, Assistant Research Professor, Center for Gender Equity in Science and Technology (CGEST)
Tara Nkrumah, Ph.D. is an Assistant Research Professor in the Center for Gender Equity in Science and Technology at Arizona State University, Tempe. Her research agenda centers on equitable teaching practices for anti-oppressive discourse in education and science, technology, engineering... Read More →

LaSonja Roberts

LaSonja Roberts, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of educational leadership at Western Michigan University. Her research agenda focuses on leader preparation and retention, specifically the use of appreciative leadership to create environments that foster learning and well-being for... Read More →
avatar for Vonzell Agosto

Vonzell Agosto

Professor, University of South Florida
Dr. Vonzell Agosto, PhD. is a Professor of Curriculum Studies and Chair of the Department of Educational, Leadership, and Lifelong Learning. Her research focuses on curriculum leadership and anti-oppressive education. Dr. Agosto was an educator in Chicago and the Chicagoland area... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Triton's Pub
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