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Friday, May 31

9:00am EDT

Image Descriptions / Descripciones de las imágenes
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Long before Image Descriptions went viral as a means to make the internet more inclusive, they were a fundamental tool in Theatre of the Oppressed. This workshop brings Image Description back to its collective roots to make it more salient, powerful, and useful for people who might benefit from it. / Mucho antes de que las descripciones de imágenes se volvieran virales como medio para hacer que el internet fuera más inclusivo, eran una herramienta fundamental en el Teatro del Oprimido. Este taller devuelve la descripción de imágenes a sus raíces colectivas para hacerla más destacada, poderosa y útil para las personas que podrían beneficiarse de ella.

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Morgan FitzPatrick Andrews

Morgan FitzPatrick Andrews

Philadelphia Theatre of the Oppressed
Morgan FitzPatrick Andrews helped start TO Philly as a network of people using PTO techniques in Philadelphia. From 2008 until the start of the 2020 pandemic, TO Philly's work unpacked dynamics of ability, class, faith, gender, migration, race, and other issues in a wide array of... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Fox Hall B

10:45am EDT

"Dance of Potentialities:" Theatre of the Oppressed and the Virtues Project / "Danza de las Potencialidades": Teatro del Oprimido y El Proyecto de las Virtudes
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Boal developed Rainbow of Desire to unearth the strengths of a healthy personality. Using Image and Virtues Project techniques we will explore how naming and exercising strengths leads to surer paths to our greatest effectiveness as activists and lovers of humanity. / Boal desarrolló el Arcoiris de Deseo para descubrir las fortalezas de una personalidad sana. Utilizando técnicas del Teatro Imagen y del Proyecto de Virtudes exploraremos cómo nombrar y ejercitar las fortalezas conduce a caminos más seguros hacia nuestra mayor eficacia como activistas y amantes de la humanidad.

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Jenny Wanasek

Co-Founder, Center for Applied Theatre
Jenny Wanasek (B.F.A. – UW-Milwaukee) is co-founder of the Center for Applied Theatre. Her training includes workshops in TO with Augusto Boal, Beyond Racism and Ally Building with Healing Our Nation, and facilitator certification with The Virtues Project, in addition to her BFA... Read More →
avatar for Mark Weinberg

Mark Weinberg

Co-Director, Center for Applied Theatre
Mark Weinberg is co-founder, with Jenny Wanasek, of The Center for Applied Theatre. He began his study of TO with Augusto Boal in 1992 and has conducted workshops and training sessions for educators, administrators, students, business leaders, theatres, NGOs and community organizations... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Fox Hall B

3:15pm EDT

TO as PO: Critical Pedagogy Using Theatre of the Oppressed / TO como PO: Pedagogía Crítica Utilizando el Teatro del Oprimido
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
This workshop will explore how Theatre of the Oppressed tools and approaches can be used as educational tools. Participants will explore TO approaches and activities that support liberatory education. / Este taller explorará cómo las herramientas y enfoques del Teatro del Oprimido pueden usarse como herramientas educativas. Lxs participantes explorarán enfoques y actividades de TO que apoyan la educación liberadora.

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for S Leigh Thompson

S Leigh Thompson

Joyful Trouble-Maker
I am a queer and trans, white and Native person with disability living in the unceded occupied lands of the Munsee Lenape. I first learned about Theatre of the Oppressed as a student a UNO from my theatre professor Doug Paterson. He invited me to a workshop with Augusto Boal and my... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Fox Hall B

5:00pm EDT

Follow the F***ing Money: Newspaper Theatre, Capitalism, & the Critical Reception of Information / “Siga el maldito dinero”: Teatro Periodístico, Capitalismo y la Recepción Crítica de la Información
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Where to start when staging the news critically? One option: follow the money. Come join us to learn about Newspaper Theatre and practice using it to highlight the financial underpinnings of news sources. We hope that the workshop can be useful for both new and experienced practitioners. This workshop is designed to be accessible for both English and Spanish speakers. ¿Dónde empezar a la hora de presentar las noticias de forma crítica? Una opción: seguir el dinero. Únase a nosotrxs para aprender sobre el Teatro Periodístico y practicar su uso para resaltar los fundamentos financieros de las fuentes de las noticias. Esperamos que el taller pueda ser útil tanto para practicantes nuevxs como experimentadxs. Este taller está diseñado para ser accesible tanto para hablantes de inglés como de español.

Kelly Howe

Loyola University Chicago
past PTO conference organizer and past PTO president, current board member, TO practitioner, editor, writer, and translator of TO-related texts, researcher of political theatre, etc
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Fox Hall B
Saturday, June 1

9:00am EDT

Don't Say Gay: Theatre of the Oppressed with LGBTQ+ Youth / No Digas ‘Gay’: Teatro del oprimido con jóvenes LGBTQ+
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
In an alarmingly hostile climate for queer and trans youth, theater can be a powerful tool for self-expression and liberation. This interactive workshop will model TO activities to use with LGBTQ+ youth, and start a dialogue around how to support queer and trans students under threat of censorship. / En un clima alarmantemente hostil para lxs jóvenes queer y trans, el teatro puede ser una poderosa herramienta para la autoexpresión y la liberación. Este taller interactivo modelará actividades de TO para usar con jóvenes LGBTQ+ e iniciará un diálogo sobre cómo apoyar a lxs estudiantes queer y trans bajo amenaza de censura.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Adam Odsess-Rubin

Founding Artistic Director, National Queer Theatert
Adam Odsess-Rubin (He/Him) is the Founding Artistic Director of National Queer Theater (NQT) and Co-Founder of the acclaimed Criminal Queerness Festival, showcasing censored and criminalized LGBTQ+ artists from around the world. He directs community-based theater programs such as... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Fox Hall B

10:45am EDT

Activism in Education: Transformative Teaching with Challenged Literature / Activismo en educación: enseñanza transformadora con literatura cuestionada
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Award-winning teaching artist and YouTuber Stevey Jones shares his experiences teaching in Florida, and how using banned children's books can be a form of activism, promoting social change through education, and creating safe and welcoming spaces for students. / El galardonado artista docente y YouTuber Stevey Jones comparte sus experiencias enseñando en Florida y cómo el uso de libros infantiles prohibidos puede ser una forma de activismo, promover el cambio social a través de la educación y crear espacios seguros y acogedores para lxs estudiantes.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Stevey Jones

Teaching Artist, Mr. Stevey Meditates
I am an award-winning teaching artist and founder of arts education events who blends creativity and mindfulness in my work. As the host of 'Mr. Stevey Meditates' on YouTube, and the co-founder of 'Mr. Stevey & Friends', I spread arts education throughout Florida while advocating... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Fox Hall B

3:15pm EDT

Naked Gender: The Revolution of my Queer Body / Género desnudo: la revolución de mi cuerpo queer
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Participants will use Image Theater and games from the arsenal of the theater of the oppressed to explore their own queer identity, even if they do not identify as queer. / Lxs participantes utilizarán Image Theatre y juegos del arsenal del Teatro del Oprimido para explorar su propia identidad queer, incluso si no se identifican como queer.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for S Leigh Thompson

S Leigh Thompson

Joyful Trouble-Maker
I am a queer and trans, white and Native person with disability living in the unceded occupied lands of the Munsee Lenape. I first learned about Theatre of the Oppressed as a student a UNO from my theatre professor Doug Paterson. He invited me to a workshop with Augusto Boal and my... Read More →
avatar for Pink Flowers

Pink Flowers

Director of education and Training, ICC Ann Arbor
Pink Flowers is a Black trans artist, pleasure activist and educator, whose work is rooted in ancient shamanic, African trickster, and Brazilian Joker traditions. Pink uses Theater of the Oppressed, Art of Hosting, Navajo Peacemaking and other anti-oppression techniques, as the foundation... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Fox Hall B

5:00pm EDT

If it bleeds, it leads: From Newspaper Theatre to digital news sourcing for community understanding / Si sangra, lidera: del Teatro Periodístico al abastecimiento de noticias digitales para la comprensión de la comunidad
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Social media provides the public with news important to civic life at the local, state, and national levels. Newspaper theatre techniques will be applied to the digitally sourced news to provide the basis for performance-for-understanding for social change and movement building. / Las redes sociales brindan al público noticias importantes para la vida cívica a nivel local, estatal y nacional. Se aplicarán técnicas de Teatro Periodístico a las noticias de origen digital para proporcionar la base para la “performance para la comprensión” para el cambio social y la construcción de movimientos.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Michel Coconis

Michel Coconis

Professor, Sinclair Community College
I am a long-time member of PTO and a former national board president (the first). I use PTO work on my social work teaching, community trainings, and in brief activism workshops and trainings in communities as solo events or part of larger trainings. I've used Invisible, Newspaper... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Fox Hall B
Sunday, June 2

9:00am EDT

Theater of empathy and bridge-building / Teatro de empatía y construcción de puentes
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
In this workshop you will get an introduction to playback theatre - the theater of empathy. You will practice tools for building bridges between people, including between people in conflict. / En este taller obtendrá una introducción al teatro de reproducción: el teatro de la empatía. Practicará herramientas para construir puentes entre personas, incluso entre personas en conflicto.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Olga Sanachina

Artistic director, Thread Playback Theater (Sarasota, Fl)
Accredited trainer of Playback Theatre (Centre of Playback Theatre), Founder of Thread Playback Theater (Sarasota, Fl, US) https://www.facebook.com/PlaybackTheatreSarasota Co-founder of the playback theatre «New Jazz» and Central Playback Theater School (Russia). Co-founder, art... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Fox Hall B

10:45am EDT

Exposure to More Universal Teaching / Learning Methods to Reach Those Who are Neurodivergent and Better for Everyone / Exposición a métodos de enseñanza/aprendizaje más universales para llegar a aquellxs que son neurodivergentes y métodos que son mejores
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Explore blocks like Negative Self Talk that keep Us From Getting Things Done - similar to Augusto Boal's cop-in-the-head technique. / Explore bloqueos como el diálogo interno negativo que nos impiden hacer las cosas. Esta sesión tiene que ver con técnicas parecidas a la técnica de “lxs policías en la cabeza” de Augusto Boal.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for MärRem


Founder, MärRem Consulting
As a consultant, I specialize in working with those who are neurodivergent to help them go from overwhelm, fatigue and despair to confidence, clarity and connection. Using a wide variety of disciplines, including somatic experiential modalities, I help them and others understand their... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Fox Hall B
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