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Friday, May 31

3:15pm EDT

The Forum Board Game / El juego de mesa del Teatro Foro
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
This session builds on traditional Forum Theater introducing participants to an easy-to-recall structure for "storyboarding" an impactful Forum Theater scene, based upon captions. The technique was developed specifically for generating material with pre-teenagers. / Esta sesión se basa en el tradicional Teatro Foro y presenta a lxs participantes una estructura fácil de recordar para crear un guión gráfico de una escena impactante del Teatro Foro, basada en subtítulos. La técnica fue desarrollada específicamente para generar material con pre adolescentes.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Pink Flowers

Pink Flowers

Director of education and Training, ICC Ann Arbor
Pink Flowers is a Black trans artist, pleasure activist and educator, whose work is rooted in ancient shamanic, African trickster, and Brazilian Joker traditions. Pink uses Theater of the Oppressed, Art of Hosting, Navajo Peacemaking and other anti-oppression techniques, as the foundation... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Fox Hall A

5:00pm EDT

The Praxis Forest: A Freirean Model for Community Organizing / El Bosque Praxis: un modelo freireano de organización comunitaria
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
This session explores community praxis through collective analysis and action planning using the Freirean technique of problematization and action trees to transform real world problems.  Rooting our work in the Freirean ideas of See, Analyze, Act, we'll work together to understand the complexity of a problem and come up with actions to help overcome in within a community. / Esta sesión explora la praxis comunitaria a través del análisis colectivo y la planificación de acciones utilizando la técnica freireana de problematización y árboles de acción para transformar problemas del mundo real. Arraigando nuestro trabajo en las ideas freireanas de Ver, Analizar, Actuar, trabajaremos juntxs para comprender la complejidad de un problema y proponer acciones para ayudar a superarlo dentro de una comunidad.

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Charles Adams

Charles Adams

Lecturer, Augsburg University
Charles Adams is a teacher, writer, dramaturg, and facilitator/joker in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. He has a PhD in Theatre Historiography from the University of Minnesota and an MFA in drama and theatre for youth from the University of Texas at Austin. His research is in areas... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Fox Hall A
Saturday, June 1

9:00am EDT

Introduction to Theatre of the Oppressed / Introducción al Teatro del Oprimido
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
For those with little-to-no experience of actual Boal-style workshops, participants hear a little basic theory, then do a half-dozen or so TO games. Sharing experiences / questions is welcome throughout. The last activity will be participation in an "actual" Forum Theatre Scene. / Para aquellxs con poca o ninguna experiencia en talleres reales al estilo Boal, lxs participantes escuchan un poco de teoría básica y luego hacen media docena de juegos TO. Compartir experiencias/preguntas es bienvenido en todo momento. La última actividad será la participación en una escena de Teatro Foro "real.”

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Doug Paterson

Doug Paterson

Shoe Shiner for Augusto Boal, Paulo Freire, etc., Univ of Nebraska at Omaha, Retired
I’ve been fighting for justice, many kinds of justice, for nearly sixty years, and am currently an active member of Nebraskans for Peace / Palestinian Rights Task Force as well as an active member of Omaha Socialists. I earned MA and PhD degrees from Cornell University in the early... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Fox Hall A
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