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Thursday, May 30

9:00am EDT

Trans Rights and Issues Pre-Conference Workshop Day 2 / Taller de Derechos Trans y Temas Importantes para la Comunidad Trans Día 2
Thursday May 30, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT
avatar for aaron moore ellis

aaron moore ellis

Board Member & Co-Editor of PTO Journal, PTO
Dream Defender & Descolonizarte TEATRO Grantwriter, Producer, and Program Designer. aaron is a scholar/artist and activist/organizer working between Lenapehoking (nyc) and Timucua, Seminole, and Miccosukee lands (Central Florida). They are a National Queer Theater (NQT) board member... Read More →
avatar for S Leigh Thompson

S Leigh Thompson

Joyful Trouble-Maker
I am a queer and trans, white and Native person with disability living in the unceded occupied lands of the Munsee Lenape. I first learned about Theatre of the Oppressed as a student a UNO from my theatre professor Doug Paterson. He invited me to a workshop with Augusto Boal and my... Read More →
avatar for Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott (He/They) loves telling and sharing stories. Evren is a strategist, joker, facilitator and storyteller who has called Indianapolis his home for the past decade. His current project, “Imagining Home: liberatory theatre and speculative solutions for housing justice... Read More →
avatar for Pink Flowers

Pink Flowers

Director of education and Training, ICC Ann Arbor
Pink Flowers is a Black trans artist, pleasure activist and educator, whose work is rooted in ancient shamanic, African trickster, and Brazilian Joker traditions. Pink uses Theater of the Oppressed, Art of Hosting, Navajo Peacemaking and other anti-oppression techniques, as the foundation... Read More →
Thursday May 30, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

7:00pm EDT

Conference Opening Session with Performance / Sesíon de apertura de la conferencia con un una performance
Thursday May 30, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Come to the conference opening session with a performance created during the Trans Rights and Issues Pre-Conference Workshop! / ¡Vengan a la sesión de apertura de la conferencia con una actuación creada durante el taller previo a la conferencia sobre derechos y cuestiones trans!

Simultaneous interpretation into Spanish will be provided via headsets during the all-conference sessions (plenary sessions). If you would like to access the translation into Spanish, please come to the registration table and ask for a headset 5-10 minutes before the all conference session that you are attending. / Se proporcionará interpretación simultánea al español mediante auriculares durante todas las sesiones de la conferencia (sesiones plenarias). Si desea acceder a la traducción al español, acérquese a la mesa de inscripción y solicite unos auriculares entre 5 y 10 minutos antes de la sesión de la conferencia a la que asistirá.

Thursday May 30, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Bininger Theatre
Friday, May 31

9:00am EDT

Sociodrama: Navigating Oppression in Traditional Children's Games—Unveiling Dodgeball Dynamics (Part 1 of a double session)/Sociodrama: Navegando por la opresión en los juegos infantiles tradicionales - revelando la dinámica del “dodgeball” Parte 2
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Traditional children's games can 'mis-educate', lets look at ways to improve how we play to be more inclusive and less oppressive. Dive into sociodrama, Five Faces of Oppression, and Butler's dodgeball insights. Explore the ongoing conversation about games' impact on children, unraveling hidden oppressions and dominance. Gain practical insights to shape inclusive education, fostering fresh perspectives. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Participants can earn CEU. Part 1 of a double session. / Sumérjase en el sociodrama, las cinco caras de la opresión y las ideas de Butler sobre el balón prisionero. Explore la conversación en curso sobre el impacto de los juegos en lxs niñxs, desentrañando opresiones y dominancias ocultas. Obtenga conocimientos prácticos para dar forma a la educación inclusiva, fomentando nuevas perspectivas. Lxs participantes pueden ganar CEU. Parte 1 de una sesión doble.

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

avatar for Julie Wells

Julie Wells

Director, Suncoast Psychodrama
Julie Wells, LCSW, a TEP (Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner in Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy), is based in Clearwater, FL, where she operates a private practice and serves as the founder and director of Suncoast Psychodrama. A Board Director for ABE (American... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Bininger Theatre

10:45am EDT

Sociodrama: Navigating Oppression in Traditional Children's Games—Unveiling Dodgeball Dynamics (Part 2 of a double session)/Sociodrama: Navegando por la opresión en los juegos infantiles tradicionales - revelando la dinámica del “dodgeball”...
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Part 2 of a double session. Traditional children's games can 'mis-educate', lets look at ways to improve how we play to be more inclusive and less oppressive. Dive into sociodrama, Five Faces of Oppression, and Butler's dodgeball insights. Explore the ongoing conversation about games' impact on children, unraveling hidden oppressions and dominance. Gain practical insights to shape inclusive education, fostering fresh perspectives. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Participants can earn CEU. Part 2 of a double session. / Sumérjase en el sociodrama, las cinco caras de la opresión y las ideas de Butler sobre el balón prisionero. Explore la conversación en curso sobre el impacto de los juegos en lxs niñxs, desentrañando opresiones y dominancias ocultas. Obtenga conocimientos prácticos para dar forma a la educación inclusiva, fomentando nuevas perspectivas. Lxs participantes pueden ganar CEU. Parte 2 de una sesión doble.
avatar for Julie Wells

Julie Wells

Director, Suncoast Psychodrama
Julie Wells, LCSW, a TEP (Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner in Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy), is based in Clearwater, FL, where she operates a private practice and serves as the founder and director of Suncoast Psychodrama. A Board Director for ABE (American... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

3:15pm EDT

The Rainbow of Psychodrama Roles: Applying Psychodrama to Rainbow of Desire (Part 1 of a 2-part session) / "El arco iris de los roles del psicodrama: aplicación del psicodrama al arco iris del deseo" (Parte 1)
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
In this workshop, participants will be invited to experience an integration of Boal's "Rainbow of Desire" and Moreno's Role Theory and how to apply both of these modalities to effectively address forms of internal oppression.Participants in this session may earn CEU credits! Part 1 of a double session. / En este taller, se invitará a lxs participantes a experimentar una integración del "Arco iris del deseo" de Boal y la Teoría de roles de Moreno y cómo aplicar ambas modalidades para abordar eficazmente las formas de opresión interna. ¡Lxs participantes en esta sesión pueden ganar créditos de CEU! Parte 1 de una sesión doble. 

This session will be presented in English, but the facilitator(s) can answer questions in Spanish and Portuguese, too. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés, pero lxs facilitadorxs también pueden responder a preguntas en español y portugués.
avatar for Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, CP, PAT

Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, CP, PAT

CEO, Founder, Director, Theatre for Social Justice, Inc.
Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, LPC, CP, PAT (She/Her)Biographical StatementDaisy is a certified psychodramatist, a practitioner applicant for trainer in psychodrama and a licensed mental health counselor living in the state of Florida. She has over 20 years of experience and has worked... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

5:00pm EDT

The Rainbow of Psychodrama Roles: Applying Psychodrama to Rainbow of Desire (Part 2 of a 2-part session) / "El arco iris de los roles del psicodrama: aplicación del psicodrama al arco iris del deseo" (Parte 2)
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
In this workshop, participants will be invited to experience an integration of Boal's "Rainbow of Desire" and Moreno's Role Theory and how to apply both of these modalities to effectively address forms of internal oppression.Participants in this session may earn CEU credits! Part 2 of a double session. / En este taller, se invitará a lxs participantes a experimentar una integración del "Arco iris del deseo" de Boal y la Teoría de roles de Moreno y cómo aplicar ambas modalidades para abordar eficazmente las formas de opresión interna. ¡Lxs participantes en esta sesión pueden ganar créditos de CEU! Parte 2 de una sesión doble. 

This session will be presented in English, but the facilitator(s) can answer questions in Spanish and Portuguese, too. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés, pero lxs facilitadorxs también pueden responder a preguntas en español y portugués.
avatar for Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, CP, PAT

Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, CP, PAT

CEO, Founder, Director, Theatre for Social Justice, Inc.
Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, LPC, CP, PAT (She/Her)Biographical StatementDaisy is a certified psychodramatist, a practitioner applicant for trainer in psychodrama and a licensed mental health counselor living in the state of Florida. She has over 20 years of experience and has worked... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Bininger Theatre
Saturday, June 1

9:00am EDT

The Dramaturgy of Forum – Reflecting Complexity (Part 1 of a double session) / La dramaturgia del Teatro Foro: reflejo de la complejidad (Parte 1 de una sesión doble)
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
This workshop will look at how we make forum models which reflect the complexity and intersectionality of modern society and elicit the maximum response and variety of interventions.This is part 1 of a double session. / Este taller analizará cómo creamos modelos de foros que reflejen la complejidad y la interseccionalidad de la sociedad moderna y provoquen la máxima respuesta y variedad de intervenciones. Parte 1 de una sesión doble. 

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Adrian Jackson

Adrian Jackson MBE is a theatre-maker, activist, translator and teacher, with a particular expertise in the Theatre of the Oppressed. He translated five books by Augusto Boal into English and collaborated with him on many occasions in the 1990s and 2000s. He was also the founder director... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Bininger Theatre

10:45am EDT

The Dramaturgy of Forum – Reflecting Complexity (Part 2 of a double session) / La dramaturgia del Teatro Foro: reflejo de la complejidad (Parte 2 de una sesión doble)
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
This workshop will look at how we make forum models which reflect the complexity and intersectionality of modern society and elicit the maximum response and variety of interventions.This is part 2 of a double session. / Este taller analizará cómo creamos modelos de foros que reflejen la complejidad y la interseccionalidad de la sociedad moderna y provoquen la máxima respuesta y variedad de intervenciones. Parte 2 de una sesión doble. 

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Adrian Jackson

Adrian Jackson MBE is a theatre-maker, activist, translator and teacher, with a particular expertise in the Theatre of the Oppressed. He translated five books by Augusto Boal into English and collaborated with him on many occasions in the 1990s and 2000s. He was also the founder director... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

5:00pm EDT

Playing & Plotting / Jugar y tramar
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Bring your needs and your questions, and we’ll play games and plot through our struggles. This is “networking” and conspiring, PTO-style. Come for the intimacy, vulnerability, and laughter – leave with new tools, connections, and affirmations for your inner child. All in the name of liberation.  / Traiga sus necesidades y sus preguntas, y jugaremos y tramaremos nuestras luchas. Esto es “trabajo en red” y conspiración, al estilo PTO. Venga por la intimidad, la vulnerabilidad y la risa; váyase con nuevas herramientas, conexiones y afirmaciones para su niño interior. Todo en nombre de la liberación.  

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott (He/They) loves telling and sharing stories. Evren is a strategist, joker, facilitator and storyteller who has called Indianapolis his home for the past decade. His current project, “Imagining Home: liberatory theatre and speculative solutions for housing justice... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Bininger Theatre
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