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Thursday, May 30

9:00am EDT

Trans Rights and Issues Pre-Conference Workshop Day 2 / Taller de Derechos Trans y Temas Importantes para la Comunidad Trans Día 2
Thursday May 30, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT
avatar for aaron moore ellis

aaron moore ellis

Board Member & Co-Editor of PTO Journal, PTO
Dream Defender & Descolonizarte TEATRO Grantwriter, Producer, and Program Designer. aaron is a scholar/artist and activist/organizer working between Lenapehoking (nyc) and Timucua, Seminole, and Miccosukee lands (Central Florida). They are a National Queer Theater (NQT) board member... Read More →
avatar for S Leigh Thompson

S Leigh Thompson

Joyful Trouble-Maker
I am a queer and trans, white and Native person with disability living in the unceded occupied lands of the Munsee Lenape. I first learned about Theatre of the Oppressed as a student a UNO from my theatre professor Doug Paterson. He invited me to a workshop with Augusto Boal and my... Read More →
avatar for Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott (He/They) loves telling and sharing stories. Evren is a strategist, joker, facilitator and storyteller who has called Indianapolis his home for the past decade. His current project, “Imagining Home: liberatory theatre and speculative solutions for housing justice... Read More →
avatar for Pink Flowers

Pink Flowers

Director of education and Training, ICC Ann Arbor
Pink Flowers is a Black trans artist, pleasure activist and educator, whose work is rooted in ancient shamanic, African trickster, and Brazilian Joker traditions. Pink uses Theater of the Oppressed, Art of Hosting, Navajo Peacemaking and other anti-oppression techniques, as the foundation... Read More →
Thursday May 30, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

1:00pm EDT

Introduction to Theatre of the Oppressed Pre-Conference Workshop / Taller: Introducción al Teatro del Oprimido
Thursday May 30, 2024 1:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
“Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society.” (Augusto Boal, Games for Actors and Non-Actors)

PTO is happy to offer this one day workshop on Theatre of the Oppressed, facilitated by Mark Weinberg from the Center for Applied Theatre in Milwaukee, WI. Designed with local participants in mind, this workshop will run on Thursday, 30 May 2024 from 1:00-4:30pm at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida.

In this workshop participants will be introduced to the techniques used in Theatre of the Oppressed to not only reveal reality as it is, but more importantly to invent reality as it could be. After some basic theory, the first part of the workshop will focus on demechanization, perception, and community building. We will do some exercises (physical reflections on oneself), play some games, and explore how we create together.

The second part of the workshop will introduce Image Theatre – making sculptures with our bodies and dynamizing them to discover the goals, desires, and possibilities within them.

During the last segment of the workshop, we will become spect-actors in a Forum Theatre scene and raise questions about the power of Theatre of the Oppressed to point to the difficulty of challenging systemic oppression and to promote learning for all involved. The working language of this workshop will be English.

“El teatro es una forma de conocimiento; debe y puede ser también un medio para transformar la sociedad.” (Augusto Boal, Juegos para actores y no actores)

En este taller, lxs participantes conocerán las técnicas utilizadas en el Teatro del Oprimido no sólo para revelar la realidad tal como es, sino, más importante aún, para inventar la realidad tal como podría ser. Después de algo de teoría básica, la primera parte del taller se centrará en la desmecanización, la percepción y la construcción de comunidades. Haremos algunos ejercicios (reflexiones físicas sobre unx mismx), jugaremos algunos juegos y exploraremos cómo creamos juntxs.

La segunda parte del taller introducirá el Teatro Imagen: hacer esculturas con nuestros cuerpos y dinamizarlos para descubrir las metas, deseos y posibilidades dentro de ellos.

Durante el último segmento del taller, nos convertiremos en actores-espectadorxs en una escena del Teatro Foro y plantearemos preguntas sobre el poder del Teatro del Oprimido para señalar la dificultad de desafiar la opresión sistémica y promover el aprendizaje para todxs lxs involucradxs. Este taller tendrá lugar en inglés.

avatar for Mark Weinberg

Mark Weinberg

Co-Director, Center for Applied Theatre
Mark Weinberg is co-founder, with Jenny Wanasek, of The Center for Applied Theatre. He began his study of TO with Augusto Boal in 1992 and has conducted workshops and training sessions for educators, administrators, students, business leaders, theatres, NGOs and community organizations... Read More →
Thursday May 30, 2024 1:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Fox Hall

3:00pm EDT

Dorm Check In / Check-in para los dormitorios
Thursday May 30, 2024 3:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
For those staying in dorm rooms on campus, this is your check in time. Check your email for details. / Para ellxs que se están quedando en los dormitorios en el campús, estas horas son su momento para hacer check-in. Lean el correo electrónica para encontrar mas detalles.

Thursday May 30, 2024 3:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Lounge of Delta Complex

5:30pm EDT

Shuttle Pickup at Hampton Inn & Suites / Autobús sale de Hampton Inn and Suites
Thursday May 30, 2024 5:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
Shuttle leaves Hampton Inn and Suites for Eckerd College at 5:45pm. Don't be late! / El autobús sale de Hampton Inn and Suites para Eckerd College a 5:45 pm. ¡No llegue tarde! 
Thursday May 30, 2024 5:30pm - 5:45pm EDT

7:00pm EDT

Conference Opening Session with Performance / Sesíon de apertura de la conferencia con un una performance
Thursday May 30, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Come to the conference opening session with a performance created during the Trans Rights and Issues Pre-Conference Workshop! / ¡Vengan a la sesión de apertura de la conferencia con una actuación creada durante el taller previo a la conferencia sobre derechos y cuestiones trans!

Simultaneous interpretation into Spanish will be provided via headsets during the all-conference sessions (plenary sessions). If you would like to access the translation into Spanish, please come to the registration table and ask for a headset 5-10 minutes before the all conference session that you are attending. / Se proporcionará interpretación simultánea al español mediante auriculares durante todas las sesiones de la conferencia (sesiones plenarias). Si desea acceder a la traducción al español, acérquese a la mesa de inscripción y solicite unos auriculares entre 5 y 10 minutos antes de la sesión de la conferencia a la que asistirá.

Thursday May 30, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

9:15pm EDT

Shuttle Pickup at Eckerd going back to Hampton Inn & Suites / El autobús de cortesía sale de Eckerd College para Hampton Inn & Suites
Thursday May 30, 2024 9:15pm - 9:30pm EDT
Shuttle leaves at 9:30 to go back to Hampton Inn & Suites / El autobús de cortesía sale de Eckerd College a las 9:30 PM para Hampton Inn & Suites
Thursday May 30, 2024 9:15pm - 9:30pm EDT
Friday, May 31

7:30am EDT

Shuttle Pickup at Hampton Inn & Suites / Autobús sale de Hampton Inn and Suites
Friday May 31, 2024 7:30am - 7:45am EDT
Meet the shuttle at Hampton Inn & Suites to go to Eckerd College! Shuttle leaves at 7:45am! / ¡El autobús sale de Hampton Inn & Suites at 7:45 AM para Eckerd College!
Friday May 31, 2024 7:30am - 7:45am EDT

9:00am EDT

Sociodrama: Navigating Oppression in Traditional Children's Games—Unveiling Dodgeball Dynamics (Part 1 of a double session)/Sociodrama: Navegando por la opresión en los juegos infantiles tradicionales - revelando la dinámica del “dodgeball” Parte 2
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Traditional children's games can 'mis-educate', lets look at ways to improve how we play to be more inclusive and less oppressive. Dive into sociodrama, Five Faces of Oppression, and Butler's dodgeball insights. Explore the ongoing conversation about games' impact on children, unraveling hidden oppressions and dominance. Gain practical insights to shape inclusive education, fostering fresh perspectives. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Participants can earn CEU. Part 1 of a double session. / Sumérjase en el sociodrama, las cinco caras de la opresión y las ideas de Butler sobre el balón prisionero. Explore la conversación en curso sobre el impacto de los juegos en lxs niñxs, desentrañando opresiones y dominancias ocultas. Obtenga conocimientos prácticos para dar forma a la educación inclusiva, fomentando nuevas perspectivas. Lxs participantes pueden ganar CEU. Parte 1 de una sesión doble.

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

avatar for Julie Wells

Julie Wells

Director, Suncoast Psychodrama
Julie Wells, LCSW, a TEP (Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner in Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy), is based in Clearwater, FL, where she operates a private practice and serves as the founder and director of Suncoast Psychodrama. A Board Director for ABE (American... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Bininger Theatre

9:00am EDT

"Applied Theatre and Refugee and Diasporic Studies"
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
This paper links applied theatre to refugee and diasporic studies, reflecting on personal experiences facilitating theatre with refugees. / Este artículo vincula el teatro aplicado a los estudios sobre refugiadxs y diáspora, y reflexiona sobre experiencias personales facilitando el teatro con refugiadxs.

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.


Fadi Skeiker

Fordham University
I am an applied theatre artist/scholar. My work centers around refugees and immigrants experiences.
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Triton's Pub

9:00am EDT

Image Descriptions / Descripciones de las imágenes
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Long before Image Descriptions went viral as a means to make the internet more inclusive, they were a fundamental tool in Theatre of the Oppressed. This workshop brings Image Description back to its collective roots to make it more salient, powerful, and useful for people who might benefit from it. / Mucho antes de que las descripciones de imágenes se volvieran virales como medio para hacer que el internet fuera más inclusivo, eran una herramienta fundamental en el Teatro del Oprimido. Este taller devuelve la descripción de imágenes a sus raíces colectivas para hacerla más destacada, poderosa y útil para las personas que podrían beneficiarse de ella.

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Morgan FitzPatrick Andrews

Morgan FitzPatrick Andrews

Philadelphia Theatre of the Oppressed
Morgan FitzPatrick Andrews helped start TO Philly as a network of people using PTO techniques in Philadelphia. From 2008 until the start of the 2020 pandemic, TO Philly's work unpacked dynamics of ability, class, faith, gender, migration, race, and other issues in a wide array of... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Fox Hall B

10:45am EDT

Sociodrama: Navigating Oppression in Traditional Children's Games—Unveiling Dodgeball Dynamics (Part 2 of a double session)/Sociodrama: Navegando por la opresión en los juegos infantiles tradicionales - revelando la dinámica del “dodgeball”...
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Part 2 of a double session. Traditional children's games can 'mis-educate', lets look at ways to improve how we play to be more inclusive and less oppressive. Dive into sociodrama, Five Faces of Oppression, and Butler's dodgeball insights. Explore the ongoing conversation about games' impact on children, unraveling hidden oppressions and dominance. Gain practical insights to shape inclusive education, fostering fresh perspectives. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Participants can earn CEU. Part 2 of a double session. / Sumérjase en el sociodrama, las cinco caras de la opresión y las ideas de Butler sobre el balón prisionero. Explore la conversación en curso sobre el impacto de los juegos en lxs niñxs, desentrañando opresiones y dominancias ocultas. Obtenga conocimientos prácticos para dar forma a la educación inclusiva, fomentando nuevas perspectivas. Lxs participantes pueden ganar CEU. Parte 2 de una sesión doble.
avatar for Julie Wells

Julie Wells

Director, Suncoast Psychodrama
Julie Wells, LCSW, a TEP (Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner in Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy), is based in Clearwater, FL, where she operates a private practice and serves as the founder and director of Suncoast Psychodrama. A Board Director for ABE (American... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

10:45am EDT

The Benefits and Challenges of University and High School Theater of the Oppressed Collaborations / Los beneficios y desafíos de las colaboraciones del Teatro del Oprimido en universidades y escuelas secundarias
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
This roundtable discussion addresses the benefits and challenges of developing Theater of the Oppressed University and High School collaborations. Focus will be on the “how to” of collaboration building, as well as opportunities for students and the problems of power differentials in education. / Esta mesa redonda aborda los beneficios y desafíos de desarrollar colaboraciones entre la Universidad y la Escuela Secundaria del Teatro del Oprimido. La atención se centrará en el “cómo” construir colaboración, así como en las oportunidades para lxs estudiantes y los problemas de las diferencias de poder en la educación.

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Terri Hasseler

Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence and Professor of History, Literature, and the Arts, Bryant Univerity
Terri began work with Theater of the Oppressed in college classrooms, teaching and developing forum theater and newspaper theater with a women-identified living and learning community. Bryant University has an under-represented number of women-identified folx, creating difficulties... Read More →

Erin Mulry

Art Teacher, Hope High School
Erin is an Art Teacher at Hope High School in Providence, Rhode Island. She teaches theater with a range of student groups, including producing and staging public performances. Introducing students to Theater of the Oppressed is an important part of art expectations in theater education... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Miller Auditorium

10:45am EDT

"Dance of Potentialities:" Theatre of the Oppressed and the Virtues Project / "Danza de las Potencialidades": Teatro del Oprimido y El Proyecto de las Virtudes
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Boal developed Rainbow of Desire to unearth the strengths of a healthy personality. Using Image and Virtues Project techniques we will explore how naming and exercising strengths leads to surer paths to our greatest effectiveness as activists and lovers of humanity. / Boal desarrolló el Arcoiris de Deseo para descubrir las fortalezas de una personalidad sana. Utilizando técnicas del Teatro Imagen y del Proyecto de Virtudes exploraremos cómo nombrar y ejercitar las fortalezas conduce a caminos más seguros hacia nuestra mayor eficacia como activistas y amantes de la humanidad.

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Jenny Wanasek

Co-Founder, Center for Applied Theatre
Jenny Wanasek (B.F.A. – UW-Milwaukee) is co-founder of the Center for Applied Theatre. Her training includes workshops in TO with Augusto Boal, Beyond Racism and Ally Building with Healing Our Nation, and facilitator certification with The Virtues Project, in addition to her BFA... Read More →
avatar for Mark Weinberg

Mark Weinberg

Co-Director, Center for Applied Theatre
Mark Weinberg is co-founder, with Jenny Wanasek, of The Center for Applied Theatre. He began his study of TO with Augusto Boal in 1992 and has conducted workshops and training sessions for educators, administrators, students, business leaders, theatres, NGOs and community organizations... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Fox Hall B

10:45am EDT

Introduction to Pedagogy of the Oppressed: See, Analyze, Act / Introducción a la Pedagogía del Oprimido: Ver, Analizar, Actuar
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
In this hands-on workshop we’ll explore foundational concepts of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed. With praxis as our goal we’ll build culture circles, generate themes, and practice Freire’s coding-decoding-recoding process for analysis, reflection, and transformative action. / En este taller práctico exploraremos conceptos fundamentales de la Pedagogía del Oprimido de Paulo Freire. Con la praxis como objetivo, construiremos círculos culturales, generaremos temas y practicaremos el proceso de codificación-decodificación-recodificación de Freire para el análisis, la reflexión y la acción transformadora.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Charles Adams

Charles Adams

Lecturer, Augsburg University
Charles Adams is a teacher, writer, dramaturg, and facilitator/joker in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. He has a PhD in Theatre Historiography from the University of Minnesota and an MFA in drama and theatre for youth from the University of Texas at Austin. His research is in areas... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Triton's Pub

12:15pm EDT

Friday May 31, 2024 12:15pm - 1:15pm EDT
Please note the cafeteria has strict times -- don't be late and miss out on lunch! / Tenga en cuenta que la cafetería tiene horarios estrictos: ¡no llegue tarde y pierda el almuerzo!
Friday May 31, 2024 12:15pm - 1:15pm EDT
Cafe Bon Appetit

1:30pm EDT

Community-based Safety through Abolition / Seguridad basada en la comunidad a través de la abolición
Friday May 31, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Join the Florida-born Dream Defenders (DD, est 2012) — a national, Black-led freedom organization fighting for safety and good life for all — to hear songs, strategies, and stories from Florida’s front lines in the fight against gun violence, white supremacy, and mass incarceration. Meet members from the Bay Area SquaDD organizing here in St. Pete and Tampa Bay, and from the Miami SquaDD, including folks from the Healing and Justice Center, DD’s community-based public safety program.

Simultaneous interpretation into Spanish will be provided via headsets during the all-conference sessions (plenary sessions). If you would like to access the translation into Spanish, please come to the registration table and ask for a headset 5-10 minutes before the all conference session that you are attending.

Únase a Dream Defenders (DD, est 2012)--nacida en Florida, una organización nacional de libertad liderada por negrxs que lucha por la seguridad y la buena vida para todxs–para escuchar canciones, estrategias e historias de las primeras líneas de Florida en la lucha contra la violencia armada, supremacía blanca y encarcelamiento masivo. Conozca a lxs miembros del SquaDD del área de la bahía que se organizan aquí en St. Pete y Tampa Bay, y del SquaDD de Miami, incluso miembros del Healing and Justice Center / Centro para la sanación y la justicia, el programa de seguridad pública comunitario de DD.

Simultaneous interpretation into Spanish will be provided via headsets during the all-conference sessions (plenary sessions). If you would like to access the translation into Spanish, please come to the registration table and ask for a headset 5-10 minutes before the all conference session that you are attending.


Brittany “bk” King

Dream Defenders
Brittany “bk” King (she/her/king) is a poet, playwright, actor, and cultural organizer from South Florida. Bk utilizes film/digital video, music/sound, photography, and theatre to ignite our radical imaginations and create new narratives that she hopes will challenge the status... Read More →

Yordanos Molla

Dream Defenders
Yordanos Molla (she/her) is a member of Dream Defenders, a Black-led social justice organization working towards building safety for all. Throughout her organizing experience, she has planned events and direct actions, led political education, and built relationships with coalition... Read More →
avatar for Amal Rogers

Amal Rogers

Healing Educator, Dream Defenders
Amal Rogers (she/her) makes performance, teaches movement, and facilitates healing to encourage people toward greater connection with self and other. She works as a Healing Educator with the Dream Defenders and the Healing and Justice Center. She also works as a Somatic Coach with... Read More →
avatar for Sierra M. Clark

Sierra M. Clark

Dream Defenders
Sierra M. Clark (she/her) is an inner well being liaison, spontaneous and trusting community building. She enhances.. she adds value.. she exhorts.. and cares.. that we turn personal and systematic struggles into opportunities for self and community organizing towards inclusivity... Read More →
avatar for Jay James

Jay James

Dream Defenders
Jay James (they, them, theirs) is a Black, TransNon-binary, Genderqueer, Intersex person whose mission is to organize towards Black, Brown, Indigenous, Queer, and Trans liberation. Jay is a 3rd generation native of St. Petersburg, 7th generation native of Florida, and is a proud Southerner... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Miller Auditorium

3:15pm EDT

Restorative Theatre™: an Embodied Praxis Pedagogy in Creating Community & Healing with Youth (Part 1) / Sanación Comunitaria a través del Teatro Restaurativo© (Parte 1)
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Experience how we use Restorative Theatre™ in schools, detention centers, and professional development. The first half culminates in our storytelling process “Chair Your Story” inspired by Boal’s, “Great Game of Power”.The second half takes participants through personal exploration of privilege/ identity as the role of facilitator through Image Theatre, Viewpoints and Devising.

Join Mirror Image Arts (Denver-based non-profit) in an interactive session delving into the pedagogy and praxis of Restorative Theatre© as a tool for deconstructing, restoration, and healing within a community. This is the first part of a double session. / Únase a Mirror Image Arts (una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Denver) en una sesión interactiva que profundiza en la pedagogía y la praxis del Restorative Theatre© (Teatro Restaurativo) como herramienta para la deconstrucción, la restauración y la curación dentro de una comunidad. Parte 1 de una sesión doble. 

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Maya Osterman-Van Grack

Executive Director of Programs, Mirror Image Arts
Maya received her BFA in Theatre Performance from the University of Colorado with a focus in applied theatre through the Interactive Theatre Project (a theatre ensemble utilizing Theatre of the Oppressed techniques to address social justice issues on campus). After graduating Maya... Read More →

Kiana English

Mirror Image Arts
avatar for Maddy Chilese

Maddy Chilese

Your Voice Program Manager, Mirror Image Arts
Maddy Chilese is an Actor/Writer/Teaching Artist with over 20 years of related experience. After getting her B.A. in Acting from the University of Northern Colorado. She worked and studied in Chicago, focusing on Improv and new works. In New York City, where she lived for ten years... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Triton's Pub

3:15pm EDT

The Forum Board Game / El juego de mesa del Teatro Foro
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
This session builds on traditional Forum Theater introducing participants to an easy-to-recall structure for "storyboarding" an impactful Forum Theater scene, based upon captions. The technique was developed specifically for generating material with pre-teenagers. / Esta sesión se basa en el tradicional Teatro Foro y presenta a lxs participantes una estructura fácil de recordar para crear un guión gráfico de una escena impactante del Teatro Foro, basada en subtítulos. La técnica fue desarrollada específicamente para generar material con pre adolescentes.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Pink Flowers

Pink Flowers

Director of education and Training, ICC Ann Arbor
Pink Flowers is a Black trans artist, pleasure activist and educator, whose work is rooted in ancient shamanic, African trickster, and Brazilian Joker traditions. Pink uses Theater of the Oppressed, Art of Hosting, Navajo Peacemaking and other anti-oppression techniques, as the foundation... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Fox Hall A

3:15pm EDT

The Rainbow of Psychodrama Roles: Applying Psychodrama to Rainbow of Desire (Part 1 of a 2-part session) / "El arco iris de los roles del psicodrama: aplicación del psicodrama al arco iris del deseo" (Parte 1)
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
In this workshop, participants will be invited to experience an integration of Boal's "Rainbow of Desire" and Moreno's Role Theory and how to apply both of these modalities to effectively address forms of internal oppression.Participants in this session may earn CEU credits! Part 1 of a double session. / En este taller, se invitará a lxs participantes a experimentar una integración del "Arco iris del deseo" de Boal y la Teoría de roles de Moreno y cómo aplicar ambas modalidades para abordar eficazmente las formas de opresión interna. ¡Lxs participantes en esta sesión pueden ganar créditos de CEU! Parte 1 de una sesión doble. 

This session will be presented in English, but the facilitator(s) can answer questions in Spanish and Portuguese, too. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés, pero lxs facilitadorxs también pueden responder a preguntas en español y portugués.
avatar for Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, CP, PAT

Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, CP, PAT

CEO, Founder, Director, Theatre for Social Justice, Inc.
Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, LPC, CP, PAT (She/Her)Biographical StatementDaisy is a certified psychodramatist, a practitioner applicant for trainer in psychodrama and a licensed mental health counselor living in the state of Florida. She has over 20 years of experience and has worked... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

3:15pm EDT

TO as PO: Critical Pedagogy Using Theatre of the Oppressed / TO como PO: Pedagogía Crítica Utilizando el Teatro del Oprimido
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
This workshop will explore how Theatre of the Oppressed tools and approaches can be used as educational tools. Participants will explore TO approaches and activities that support liberatory education. / Este taller explorará cómo las herramientas y enfoques del Teatro del Oprimido pueden usarse como herramientas educativas. Lxs participantes explorarán enfoques y actividades de TO que apoyan la educación liberadora.

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for S Leigh Thompson

S Leigh Thompson

Joyful Trouble-Maker
I am a queer and trans, white and Native person with disability living in the unceded occupied lands of the Munsee Lenape. I first learned about Theatre of the Oppressed as a student a UNO from my theatre professor Doug Paterson. He invited me to a workshop with Augusto Boal and my... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Fox Hall B

5:00pm EDT

Reconnecting Currents: Recollecting Afro-Diasporic Memory, Rituals, and Stewardship / Reconectando corrientes: Recordando la memoria, los rituales y la custodia afrodiaspóricas
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
The film, Reconnecting Currents, uses site specific performance, and ritual practice as a tool to examine the relationship between marginalized communities and their environments, particularly people of the African Diaspora to freshwater sources. / La película Reconnecting Currents utiliza actuaciones y prácticas rituales específicas de un lugar como herramienta para examinar la relación entre las comunidades marginadas y sus entornos, en particular las personas de la diáspora africana con las fuentes de agua dulce.

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Marsae Lynette

Marsae Lynette

Doctoral student, Northwestern University Department of Performance Studies
Reconnecting Currents: Recollecting Afro-Diasporic Memory, Rituals, and StewardshipMarsae Lynette is a queer interdisciplinary artist, educator, and scholar from Flint, Michigan committed to creating engaging work that empowers & enlightens. With a recent Master of Fine Arts in Dance... Read More →

Elisandra Rosario

Reconnecting Currents
Elisandra Rosario is an artist, activist, and curator of space, vibration, and frequency. They were born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, which along with their experience as a DJ, influences their attraction to social dance cultures. They use their passion for curating social spaces... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Miller Auditorium

5:00pm EDT

Follow the F***ing Money: Newspaper Theatre, Capitalism, & the Critical Reception of Information / “Siga el maldito dinero”: Teatro Periodístico, Capitalismo y la Recepción Crítica de la Información
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Where to start when staging the news critically? One option: follow the money. Come join us to learn about Newspaper Theatre and practice using it to highlight the financial underpinnings of news sources. We hope that the workshop can be useful for both new and experienced practitioners. This workshop is designed to be accessible for both English and Spanish speakers. ¿Dónde empezar a la hora de presentar las noticias de forma crítica? Una opción: seguir el dinero. Únase a nosotrxs para aprender sobre el Teatro Periodístico y practicar su uso para resaltar los fundamentos financieros de las fuentes de las noticias. Esperamos que el taller pueda ser útil tanto para practicantes nuevxs como experimentadxs. Este taller está diseñado para ser accesible tanto para hablantes de inglés como de español.

Kelly Howe

Loyola University Chicago
past PTO conference organizer and past PTO president, current board member, TO practitioner, editor, writer, and translator of TO-related texts, researcher of political theatre, etc
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Fox Hall B

5:00pm EDT

Restorative Theatre™: an Embodied Praxis Pedagogy in Creating Community and Healing with Youth (Part 2 of a double session) / Sanación Comunitaria a través del Teatro Restaurativo© (Parte 2)
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Experience how we use Restorative Theatre™ in schools, detention centers, and professional development. The first half culminates in our storytelling process “Chair Your Story” inspired by Boal’s, “Great Game of Power”.The second half takes participants through personal exploration of privilege/ identity as the role of facilitator through Image Theatre, Viewpoints and Devising.

Join Mirror Image Arts (Denver-based non-profit) in an interactive session delving into the pedagogy and praxis of Restorative Theatre™ as a tool for deconstructing, restoration, and healing within a community. This is the second part of a double session. / Únase a Mirror Image Arts (una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Denver) en una sesión interactiva que profundiza en la pedagogía y la praxis del Restorative Theatre© (Teatro Restaurativo) como herramienta para la deconstrucción, la restauración y la curación dentro de una comunidad. Parte 2 de una sesión doble.

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Maya Osterman-Van Grack

Executive Director of Programs, Mirror Image Arts
Maya received her BFA in Theatre Performance from the University of Colorado with a focus in applied theatre through the Interactive Theatre Project (a theatre ensemble utilizing Theatre of the Oppressed techniques to address social justice issues on campus). After graduating Maya... Read More →

Kiana English

Mirror Image Arts
avatar for Maddy Chilese

Maddy Chilese

Your Voice Program Manager, Mirror Image Arts
Maddy Chilese is an Actor/Writer/Teaching Artist with over 20 years of related experience. After getting her B.A. in Acting from the University of Northern Colorado. She worked and studied in Chicago, focusing on Improv and new works. In New York City, where she lived for ten years... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Triton's Pub

5:00pm EDT

The Praxis Forest: A Freirean Model for Community Organizing / El Bosque Praxis: un modelo freireano de organización comunitaria
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
This session explores community praxis through collective analysis and action planning using the Freirean technique of problematization and action trees to transform real world problems.  Rooting our work in the Freirean ideas of See, Analyze, Act, we'll work together to understand the complexity of a problem and come up with actions to help overcome in within a community. / Esta sesión explora la praxis comunitaria a través del análisis colectivo y la planificación de acciones utilizando la técnica freireana de problematización y árboles de acción para transformar problemas del mundo real. Arraigando nuestro trabajo en las ideas freireanas de Ver, Analizar, Actuar, trabajaremos juntxs para comprender la complejidad de un problema y proponer acciones para ayudar a superarlo dentro de una comunidad.

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Charles Adams

Charles Adams

Lecturer, Augsburg University
Charles Adams is a teacher, writer, dramaturg, and facilitator/joker in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. He has a PhD in Theatre Historiography from the University of Minnesota and an MFA in drama and theatre for youth from the University of Texas at Austin. His research is in areas... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Fox Hall A

5:00pm EDT

The Rainbow of Psychodrama Roles: Applying Psychodrama to Rainbow of Desire (Part 2 of a 2-part session) / "El arco iris de los roles del psicodrama: aplicación del psicodrama al arco iris del deseo" (Parte 2)
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
In this workshop, participants will be invited to experience an integration of Boal's "Rainbow of Desire" and Moreno's Role Theory and how to apply both of these modalities to effectively address forms of internal oppression.Participants in this session may earn CEU credits! Part 2 of a double session. / En este taller, se invitará a lxs participantes a experimentar una integración del "Arco iris del deseo" de Boal y la Teoría de roles de Moreno y cómo aplicar ambas modalidades para abordar eficazmente las formas de opresión interna. ¡Lxs participantes en esta sesión pueden ganar créditos de CEU! Parte 2 de una sesión doble. 

This session will be presented in English, but the facilitator(s) can answer questions in Spanish and Portuguese, too. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés, pero lxs facilitadorxs también pueden responder a preguntas en español y portugués.
avatar for Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, CP, PAT

Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, CP, PAT

CEO, Founder, Director, Theatre for Social Justice, Inc.
Daisy Martinez-DiCarlo, LMHC, LPC, CP, PAT (She/Her)Biographical StatementDaisy is a certified psychodramatist, a practitioner applicant for trainer in psychodrama and a licensed mental health counselor living in the state of Florida. She has over 20 years of experience and has worked... Read More →
Friday May 31, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

6:45pm EDT

Shuttle Pickup at Eckerd to go back to Hampton Inn and Suites / El autobús de cortesía sale de Eckerd College para Hampton Inn and Suites
Friday May 31, 2024 6:45pm - 7:00pm EDT
Grab the shuttle back to Hampton Inn & Suites. / El autobús de cortesía sale de Eckerd College para Hampton Inn and Suites.
Friday May 31, 2024 6:45pm - 7:00pm EDT

7:30pm EDT

Social: PTO Social Time and Karaoke / Evento Social Y Karaoke con la PTO
Friday May 31, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm EDT
Spend social time with conference attendees! Sing! Dance! Have fun! Beverages will be available! Rides for people staying at the Hampton Inn & Suites will be available. / ¡Pase tiempo social con lxs asistentes a la conferencia! ¡Cantar! ¡Bailar! ¡Divertirse! ¡Habrá bebidas disponibles! Habrá transporte en coches disponible para las personas que se alojen en el Hampton Inn & Suites.
Friday May 31, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm EDT
Triton's Pub
Saturday, June 1

7:45am EDT

Shuttle Pickup at Hampton Inn & Suites / Autobús de cortesía sale de Hampton Inn and Suites para Eckerd College
Saturday June 1, 2024 7:45am - 8:00am EDT
Shuttle from Hampton Inn & Suites to the conference! Shuttle leaves at 8:00 am. / Autobús de cortesía sale de Hampton Inn and Suites a 8:00 AM para Eckerd College. 
Saturday June 1, 2024 7:45am - 8:00am EDT

9:00am EDT

"Understanding & Addressing the Impact of the Emotional Lands"Theatres of Change: The Art of Subversion, Mobilization, & Communication in Zimbabwean Social Theatre" / "Comprender y abordar el impacto del
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
"Theatres of Change: The Art of Subversion, Mobilization, and Communication in Zimbabwean Social Theatre"
As a ToTO practitioner in Zimbabwe, I share three stories of theatrical resistance. These cases show how theatre rooted in emancipatory and participatory pedagogy developed independently in Southern Africa, how it has often found articulation in Boal’s work, and what insights it has to offer. / "Teatros de cambio: el arte de la subversión, la movilización y la comunicación en el teatro social de Zimbabwe": Como practicante de TO en Zimbabwe, comparto tres historias de resistencia teatral. Estos casos muestran cómo el teatro arraigado en la pedagogía emancipadora y participativa se desarrolló de forma independiente en el sur de África, cómo a menudo ha encontrado articulación en la obra de Boal y qué ideas tiene para ofrecer.

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Sam Brakarsh

Africa Regional Representative (ARC), Co-founder (Chikukwa Research Trust), Artist at Risk Connection; Chikukwa Research Trust
Sam Brakarsh read Theatre of The Oppressed eight years ago and it has become a central component of his art, scholarship, and activism ever since. He is from Zimbabwe where he cofounded the Chikukwa Research Trust and Culture Centre, focusing on sustainable governance, regenerative... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Classroom 123

9:00am EDT

Weathering the storm: Wellbeing and Self-knowledge / Capeando la tormenta: bienestar y autoconocimiento
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
This workshop is inspired by creative techniques to explore innovative ways to engage in self-care. You will be invited to immerse in experiential activities, such as creative writing. You may be able to release any stress in your lives, and redirect your energy in a liberatory way. / Este taller está inspirado en técnicas creativas para explorar formas innovadoras de participar en el cuidado personal. Se les invitará a sumergirse en actividades experienciales, como la escritura creativa. Es posible que puedan liberar cualquier estrés en sus vidas y redirigir su energía de una manera liberadora.

This session will be bilingual: English and Portuguese. / Esta sesión será bilingüe: inglés y portugués.

Rita Baptista

Oxford Brookes University
I graduated in Social Education from the Higher Education School of Education (ESEP) in Porto (Portugal). I also concluded two Postgraduate Certificates: one in Psychopathology and Psychotherapy of Childhood and Adolescents and one in Social Intervention with children and young people... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Triton's Pub

9:00am EDT

Introduction to Theatre of the Oppressed / Introducción al Teatro del Oprimido
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
For those with little-to-no experience of actual Boal-style workshops, participants hear a little basic theory, then do a half-dozen or so TO games. Sharing experiences / questions is welcome throughout. The last activity will be participation in an "actual" Forum Theatre Scene. / Para aquellxs con poca o ninguna experiencia en talleres reales al estilo Boal, lxs participantes escuchan un poco de teoría básica y luego hacen media docena de juegos TO. Compartir experiencias/preguntas es bienvenido en todo momento. La última actividad será la participación en una escena de Teatro Foro "real.”

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Doug Paterson

Doug Paterson

Shoe Shiner for Augusto Boal, Paulo Freire, etc., Univ of Nebraska at Omaha, Retired
I’ve been fighting for justice, many kinds of justice, for nearly sixty years, and am currently an active member of Nebraskans for Peace / Palestinian Rights Task Force as well as an active member of Omaha Socialists. I earned MA and PhD degrees from Cornell University in the early... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Fox Hall A

9:00am EDT

The Dramaturgy of Forum – Reflecting Complexity (Part 1 of a double session) / La dramaturgia del Teatro Foro: reflejo de la complejidad (Parte 1 de una sesión doble)
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
This workshop will look at how we make forum models which reflect the complexity and intersectionality of modern society and elicit the maximum response and variety of interventions.This is part 1 of a double session. / Este taller analizará cómo creamos modelos de foros que reflejen la complejidad y la interseccionalidad de la sociedad moderna y provoquen la máxima respuesta y variedad de intervenciones. Parte 1 de una sesión doble. 

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Adrian Jackson

Adrian Jackson MBE is a theatre-maker, activist, translator and teacher, with a particular expertise in the Theatre of the Oppressed. He translated five books by Augusto Boal into English and collaborated with him on many occasions in the 1990s and 2000s. He was also the founder director... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Bininger Theatre

9:00am EDT

Don't Say Gay: Theatre of the Oppressed with LGBTQ+ Youth / No Digas ‘Gay’: Teatro del oprimido con jóvenes LGBTQ+
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
In an alarmingly hostile climate for queer and trans youth, theater can be a powerful tool for self-expression and liberation. This interactive workshop will model TO activities to use with LGBTQ+ youth, and start a dialogue around how to support queer and trans students under threat of censorship. / En un clima alarmantemente hostil para lxs jóvenes queer y trans, el teatro puede ser una poderosa herramienta para la autoexpresión y la liberación. Este taller interactivo modelará actividades de TO para usar con jóvenes LGBTQ+ e iniciará un diálogo sobre cómo apoyar a lxs estudiantes queer y trans bajo amenaza de censura.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Adam Odsess-Rubin

Founding Artistic Director, National Queer Theatert
Adam Odsess-Rubin (He/Him) is the Founding Artistic Director of National Queer Theater (NQT) and Co-Founder of the acclaimed Criminal Queerness Festival, showcasing censored and criminalized LGBTQ+ artists from around the world. He directs community-based theater programs such as... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Fox Hall B

10:45am EDT

"Art in Action: Reshaping Communities with Image Theatre" and "Rethinking Boal in 'I Won't Mind My Business'": An Experimental Piece Exploring Gender-based Violence through Performance and Intervention" / "Arte en acción: remodelando comunidades con el Te
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
“Art in Action: Reshaping Communities with Image Theatre” is an interactive workshop exploring the transformative power of Image Theatre to address social issues. Non-actor participants develop skills in expressive communication without words and are empowered to become advocates for social change. / “Arte en Acción: Remodelando Comunidades con El Teatro Imágen” es un taller interactivo que explora el poder transformador del Teatro Imágen para abordar problemas sociales. Lxs participantes no-actores desarrollan habilidades de comunicación expresiva sin palabras y están capacitadxs para convertirse en defensorxs del cambio social.

"Rethinking Boal in I Won't Mind My Business: An Experimental Piece Exploring Gender-based Violence through Performance and Intervention"  is a self-reflective approach to documenting the adoption of Augusto Boal's Forum Theatre to a Nigerian audience for the first time in a performance titled "I Won't Mind My Business". / "Repensar a Boal en ‘No me meteré en mis asuntos”: una pieza experimental que explora la violencia de género a través de la performance y la intervención" es una manera autorreflexiva para documentar la adopción del Teatro Foro de Augusto Boal ante una audiencia nigeriana por primera vez en una representación titulada "No me meteré en mis asuntos."

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Vincent Iaropoli

As a seasoned arts administrator and teaching artist, I bring over 25 years of experience from a diverse array of arts organizations, including the Juilliard School, New York City Opera, and Elevator Repair Service Theater. My journey in the world of performing arts has taken me from... Read More →

Toyosi Morgan

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Toyosi is a third Ph.D. student at the theatre department, at the University of Illinois. Her research interests are social justice theatre, documentary theatre, theatre historiography, interdisciplinarity, and criticism. In 2019, Toyosi started a theatre of the oppressed company... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Classroom 122

10:45am EDT

Activism in Education: Transformative Teaching with Challenged Literature / Activismo en educación: enseñanza transformadora con literatura cuestionada
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Award-winning teaching artist and YouTuber Stevey Jones shares his experiences teaching in Florida, and how using banned children's books can be a form of activism, promoting social change through education, and creating safe and welcoming spaces for students. / El galardonado artista docente y YouTuber Stevey Jones comparte sus experiencias enseñando en Florida y cómo el uso de libros infantiles prohibidos puede ser una forma de activismo, promover el cambio social a través de la educación y crear espacios seguros y acogedores para lxs estudiantes.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Stevey Jones

Teaching Artist, Mr. Stevey Meditates
I am an award-winning teaching artist and founder of arts education events who blends creativity and mindfulness in my work. As the host of 'Mr. Stevey Meditates' on YouTube, and the co-founder of 'Mr. Stevey & Friends', I spread arts education throughout Florida while advocating... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Fox Hall B

10:45am EDT

The Dramaturgy of Forum – Reflecting Complexity (Part 2 of a double session) / La dramaturgia del Teatro Foro: reflejo de la complejidad (Parte 2 de una sesión doble)
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
This workshop will look at how we make forum models which reflect the complexity and intersectionality of modern society and elicit the maximum response and variety of interventions.This is part 2 of a double session. / Este taller analizará cómo creamos modelos de foros que reflejen la complejidad y la interseccionalidad de la sociedad moderna y provoquen la máxima respuesta y variedad de intervenciones. Parte 2 de una sesión doble. 

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Adrian Jackson

Adrian Jackson MBE is a theatre-maker, activist, translator and teacher, with a particular expertise in the Theatre of the Oppressed. He translated five books by Augusto Boal into English and collaborated with him on many occasions in the 1990s and 2000s. He was also the founder director... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

10:45am EDT

Playground of Curiosity: What is it like when... / Patio de juegos de la curiosidad: ¿Cómo es cuando...
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Playground of Curiosity: What is it like when...? When you find yourself flummoxed by the people around you due to your disability? When you are with a friend with a disability and no one’s talking about it. This workshop will bring us joy and somewhat of a saga! / Patio de juegos de la curiosidad: ¿Cómo es cuando...? ¿Cuando se encuentra desconcertadx por las personas que le rodean debido a su discapacidad? Cuando está con unx amigx con discapacidad y nadie habla de ello. ¡Este taller nos traerá alegría y algo de una saga!

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

elizaBeth Simpson

PhD candidate, University of Illinois
I have been affiliated with Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed since 1999.
Saturday June 1, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Triton's Pub

12:15pm EDT

Saturday June 1, 2024 12:15pm - 1:15pm EDT
Please note the cafeteria has strict times -- don't be late and miss out on lunch! / Tenga en cuenta que la cafetería tiene horarios estrictos: ¡no llegue tarde y pierda el almuerzo!

Saturday June 1, 2024 12:15pm - 1:15pm EDT
Cafe Bon Appetit

1:30pm EDT

Making Theater in Florida: The Power of Community Collaboration and Decolonization!/Haciendo teatro en Florida: ¡El poder de la colaboración comunitaria y la descolonización!
Saturday June 1, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Come learn about Descolonizarte TEATRO (Desco) and its work! Desco is a professional Latinx theater organization, working at the intersection of Latinx, immigrant, and LGBTQ+ identities, and led by people with those same identities. 
Desco programs support and strengthen community capacity in the ongoing process of decolonization, liberation, healing, and community building, and tackle relevant subjects such as immigration, racial justice, healing, HIV/AIDS, Queer and Trans rights, accessibility, disability, and decolonization.

Desco collaborates with local organizations to support and expand their impact and engages with community members using TO and applied theater to uplift their voices during the difficult times faced by minorities in the Sunshine State.
In this session, Desco and community participants will discuss Desco projects involving individuals living with HIV, including an HIV stigma Forum theater piece; projects with Trans and gender non-conforming/nonbinary community members; and Community Conversations using theater and facilitated conversations to bridge gaps between Latinx LGBTQ+, immigrant, and farmworker communities.

Simultaneous interpretation into Spanish will be provided via headsets during the all-conference sessions (plenary sessions). If you would like to access the translation into Spanish, please come to the registration table and ask for a headset 5-10 minutes before the all conference session that you are attending.

¡Ven a conocer a Descolonizarte TEATRO (Desco) y su trabajo! Desco es una organización teatral latinx profesional que trabaja en la intersección de identidades latinx, inmigrante y LGBTQ+, y está dirigida por personas con esas mismas identidades. Los programas de Desco apoyan y fortalecen la capacidad comunitaria en el proceso continuo de descolonización, liberación, curación y construcción comunitaria, y abordan temas relevantes como inmigración, justicia racial, sanación, VIH/SIDA, derechos queer y Trans, accesibilidad, discapacidad y descolonización.

Desco colabora con organizaciones locales para apoyar y ampliar su impacto y se involucra con miembros de la comunidad utilizando TO y teatro aplicado para elevar sus voces durante los tiempos difíciles que enfrentan las minorías en el Estado del sol. En esta sesión, Desco y los participantes de la comunidad discutirán los proyectos de Desco que involucran a personas que viven con el VIH, incluida una pieza de Teatro foro sobre el estigma del VIH; proyectos con miembros de la comunidad Trans y no binarias/no conformes con el género; y Conversaciones en Comunidad utilizando teatro y conversaciones facilitadas para cerrar brechas entre las comunidades latinx LGBTQ+, inmigrantes y trabajadorxs agrícolas.

Se proporcionará interpretación simultánea al español mediante auriculares durante todas las sesiones de la conferencia (sesiones plenarias). Si desea acceder a la traducción al español, acérquese a la mesa de inscripción y solicite unos auriculares entre 5 y 10 minutos antes de la sesión de la conferencia a la que asistirá.


Nadia Garzón

Zero HIV Stigma, Descolonizarte TEATRO
Desco’s Founder and Executive Director. Her work focuses on Latin American theater with an emphasis on theater for social change and the use of theater as a tool for decolonization. Her work is influenced by her activism and at the core of what she does is the belief that our bodies... Read More →
avatar for aaron moore ellis

aaron moore ellis

Board Member & Co-Editor of PTO Journal, PTO
Dream Defender & Descolonizarte TEATRO Grantwriter, Producer, and Program Designer. aaron is a scholar/artist and activist/organizer working between Lenapehoking (nyc) and Timucua, Seminole, and Miccosukee lands (Central Florida). They are a National Queer Theater (NQT) board member... Read More →

Jonathan Jimenez

Descolonizarte Teatro
Desco Ensemble Member and Director of Finance and Bookkeeping. Jon is a profesional actor, director, and set designer with over 25 years of experience. He is a Venezuelan immigrant (Cuban mother) part of the LGBTQ+ community, and has been working with Descolonizarte TEATRO for 1.5... Read More →

Natalia Soler

Natalia Soler: Desco Ensemble Member. Natalia, an immigrant from Colombia, has cultivated a rich and dynamic career as an artist, blending a deep understanding of music theory with versatile performance skills. In addition to their artistic pursuits, Natalia is an entrepreneur, running... Read More →

Andres Acosta Ardila

HIV Stigma Taskforce
Leader of the HIV Stigma Taskforce. He is also a nationally recognized HIV advocate and activist. Previously, Andrés was the program coordinator for the Central Florida HIV Planning Council at Heart of Florida United Way. He’s on the board of directors for LOUD (Latino Outreach... Read More →

Shea Cutliff

Board Members, Come Out With Pride
Shea Cutliff: A proud woman of color living a transgender experience. Shea is a fearless fighter and advocate for human rights, equity for the marginalized and dignity for all. She is the first transgender woman of color on the One Orlando Alliance board- currently serving as Secretary... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Miller Auditorium

3:15pm EDT

How to resist fascism with theatre? The example (not the model) of ETP/¿Cómo resistir al fascismo con teatro? El ejemplo (no el modelo) de ETP
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
In this session we will discuss how ETP (la Escola de Teatro Popular or the Popular Theatre School) of Rio de Janeiro is doing grassroots work in the most impoverished areas of Rio de Janeiro. The school has groups in 8 different areas of Rio plus a feminist group that is not located in a specific territory. In most of these groups, we are in alliance with social movements that are active in those neighborhoods. Our tactics are based on the belief that, in order to change the world, spreading ideas is not enough – we need to support the construction of practices that are themselves a prefiguration of the world we want. Theatre can be one of those practices. / En esta sesión hablaremos de cómo la Escuela de Teatro Popular (La Escola de Teatro Popular, ETP) de Río de Janeiro está haciendo trabajo de base en las zonas más empobrecidas de Río de Janeiro. La escuela tiene grupos en 8 zonas diferentes de Río más un grupo feminista que no está ubicado en un territorio específico. En la mayoría de estos grupos estamos en alianza con movimientos sociales que actúan en esos barrios. Nuestras tácticas se basan en la creencia de que para cambiar el mundo no basta con difundir ideas: debemos apoyar la construcción de prácticas que son en sí mismas una prefiguración del mundo que queremos. El teatro puede ser una de esas prácticas.

This session will be presented in English, but the facilitator(s) can also answer questions in Spanish, Portuguese, and French. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés, pero el facilitador también puede responder a preguntas en español, portugués, y francés.
avatar for Julian Boal

Julian Boal

JULIAN BOAL is a teacher, researcher, and practitioner of Theatre of the Oppressed. He has facilitated workshops in more than 25 countries and has collaborated on several international festivals of Theatre of the Oppressed: in India with Jana Sanskriti, in Spain with Pa’tothom... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Miller Auditorium

3:15pm EDT

PTO Journal Session / Una sesión sobre la PTO Journal
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
This talk aims to provide PTO Conference participants with information about the main perspectives and goals of the PTO Journal. We will also share the Call for Proposals for 2024, and create an open space for discussion about the next volumes. / Esta charla tiene como objetivo proporcionar a lxs participantes de la conferencia de la PTO información sobre las principales perspectivas y objetivos del PTO Journal. También compartiremos la convocatoria de propuestas para 2024 y crearemos un espacio abierto para hablar sobre los próximos volúmenes.

Participants can access this session in three languages; English, Spanish, and Portuguese. / Lxs participantes pueden acceder a esta sesión en tres idiomas; Inglés, español y portugués.
avatar for aaron moore ellis

aaron moore ellis

Board Member & Co-Editor of PTO Journal, PTO
Dream Defender & Descolonizarte TEATRO Grantwriter, Producer, and Program Designer. aaron is a scholar/artist and activist/organizer working between Lenapehoking (nyc) and Timucua, Seminole, and Miccosukee lands (Central Florida). They are a National Queer Theater (NQT) board member... Read More →

Patricia Freitas

Co-Editor of PTO Journal, GETEPOL
Patricia Freitas dos Santos is a literary translator, founder of GETEPOL (Research Group on Political Theatre) and holds a Ph.D from the University of São Paulo/ Brazil in the field of Language and Arts. Her research focuses on Augusto Boal’s work in exile, especially the three... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Classroom 122

3:15pm EDT

Practical Approaches to "Deep Equity" & "Liberatory Leadership" (Part 1 of a double session) / Un enfoque práctico para la "equidad profunda" y el "liderazgo liberador" (Parte 1 de una sesión doble)
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
"Deep Equity?"Liberatory Leadership? This workshop calls us all to continue the legacy of freedom fighters to lead and support challeges to oppressive systems. Through proven methods, practical tools and experiential activities, partcipants will be better able to advance their work in the world. Part 1 one of a double session. / "¿Equidad profunda?" “¿Liderazgo liberador?” Este taller nos llama a todxs a continuar el legado de lxs luchadorxs por la libertad para liderar y apoyar los desafíos a los sistemas opresivos. A través de métodos probados, herramientas prácticas y actividades experienciales, lxs participantes podrán avanzar mejor en su trabajo en el mundo. Parte 1 de una sesión doble. 

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Debra Alexander

Principal, Alexander Consulting & Training, Inc.
Debra Alexander Organization Development (OD) Consultant DEIA Strategist and HR Advisor Debra Alexander has many years of experience working in the higher education, non-profit and for profit, and public service sectors. A former Federal employee, she worked for HHS and OPM, and... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Triton's Pub

3:15pm EDT

Naked Gender: The Revolution of my Queer Body / Género desnudo: la revolución de mi cuerpo queer
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Participants will use Image Theater and games from the arsenal of the theater of the oppressed to explore their own queer identity, even if they do not identify as queer. / Lxs participantes utilizarán Image Theatre y juegos del arsenal del Teatro del Oprimido para explorar su propia identidad queer, incluso si no se identifican como queer.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for S Leigh Thompson

S Leigh Thompson

Joyful Trouble-Maker
I am a queer and trans, white and Native person with disability living in the unceded occupied lands of the Munsee Lenape. I first learned about Theatre of the Oppressed as a student a UNO from my theatre professor Doug Paterson. He invited me to a workshop with Augusto Boal and my... Read More →
avatar for Pink Flowers

Pink Flowers

Director of education and Training, ICC Ann Arbor
Pink Flowers is a Black trans artist, pleasure activist and educator, whose work is rooted in ancient shamanic, African trickster, and Brazilian Joker traditions. Pink uses Theater of the Oppressed, Art of Hosting, Navajo Peacemaking and other anti-oppression techniques, as the foundation... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Fox Hall B

5:00pm EDT

Join Descolonizarte TEATRO for a Community Conversation following their all conference session! / ¡Únase a Descolonizarte TEATRO para una conversación comunitaria después de la sesión plenaria!
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Join us for an engaging discussion on Latinx/Latine theater, decolonial theater, community-based theater, and Theater of the Oppressed (TO) applications with impacted communities. We invite those passionate about these topics to delve deeper into Desco's practices and share their own experiences. Following Desco's model of fostering community conversations, we aim to connect through shared challenges and successes, particularly in utilizing TO and similar liberatory theater practices to advance anti-racist and decolonial objectives. / Únase a nosotrxs para una interesante discusión sobre aplicaciones de teatro Latinx/Latine, teatro decolonial, teatro comunitario y Teatro del Oprimido (TO) con comunidades impactadas. Invitamos a lxs apasionadxs por estos temas a profundizar en las prácticas de Desco y compartir sus propias experiencias. Siguiendo el modelo de Desco de fomentar conversaciones comunitarias, nuestro objetivo es conectarnos a través de desafíos y éxitos compartidos, particularmente en la utilización de TO y prácticas teatrales liberadoras similares para promover objetivos antirracistas y decoloniales.

This session will be presented in English, but the facilitator(s) can answer questions in Spanish and can understand questions in Portuguese. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés, pero lxs facilitadorxs también pueden responder a preguntas en español y entender preguntas en portugués.

Nadia Garzón

Zero HIV Stigma, Descolonizarte TEATRO
Desco’s Founder and Executive Director. Her work focuses on Latin American theater with an emphasis on theater for social change and the use of theater as a tool for decolonization. Her work is influenced by her activism and at the core of what she does is the belief that our bodies... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Classroom 123

5:00pm EDT

Locked In: A Forum Theater Play on Healthcare and Homelessness / "Locked In": una obra de teatro foro sobre la atención sanitaria y las personas sin hogar
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Video and Discussion of a Forum play that brought together health workers and people with lived experiences of homelessness to identify disparities and develop co-created solutions through a collaboratively created theatrical presentation and dialogue. / Video de (y una charla sobre) una obra de Teatro Foro que reunió a trabajadorxs de la salud y personas con experiencias vividas de falta de vivienda para identificar disparidades y desarrollar soluciones co-creadas a través de una presentación teatral y un diálogo creados en colaboración.

This session will be presented in English, but the facilitator(s) can answer questions in Spanish, too. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés, pero lxs facilitadorxs también pueden responder a preguntas en español.

Adrian Jackson

Adrian Jackson MBE is a theatre-maker, activist, translator and teacher, with a particular expertise in the Theatre of the Oppressed. He translated five books by Augusto Boal into English and collaborated with him on many occasions in the 1990s and 2000s. He was also the founder director... Read More →

Maren Ward

zAmya Theater Project

Aarti Bhatt

zAmya Theater Project
avatar for Mason Persons

Mason Persons

zAmya Theater Project
avatar for Jada Windom

Jada Windom

zAmya Theater Project

Shannon Kemp

zAmya Theater Project
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Miller Auditorium

5:00pm EDT

If it bleeds, it leads: From Newspaper Theatre to digital news sourcing for community understanding / Si sangra, lidera: del Teatro Periodístico al abastecimiento de noticias digitales para la comprensión de la comunidad
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Social media provides the public with news important to civic life at the local, state, and national levels. Newspaper theatre techniques will be applied to the digitally sourced news to provide the basis for performance-for-understanding for social change and movement building. / Las redes sociales brindan al público noticias importantes para la vida cívica a nivel local, estatal y nacional. Se aplicarán técnicas de Teatro Periodístico a las noticias de origen digital para proporcionar la base para la “performance para la comprensión” para el cambio social y la construcción de movimientos.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Michel Coconis

Michel Coconis

Professor, Sinclair Community College
I am a long-time member of PTO and a former national board president (the first). I use PTO work on my social work teaching, community trainings, and in brief activism workshops and trainings in communities as solo events or part of larger trainings. I've used Invisible, Newspaper... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Fox Hall B

5:00pm EDT

Practical Approaches to "Deep Equity" & "Liberatory Leadership" (Part 2 of a double session) / Un enfoque práctico para la "equidad profunda" y el "liderazgo liberador" (Parte 2 de una sesión doble)
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
"Deep Equity?" Liberatory Leadership? This workshop calls us all to continue the legacy of freedom fighters to lead and support challeges to oppressive systems. Through proven methods, practical tools and experiential activities, partcipants will be better able to advance their work in the world. Part 2 one of a double session. / "¿Equidad profunda?" “¿Liderazgo liberador?” Este taller nos llama a todxs a continuar el legado de lxs luchadorxs por la libertad para liderar y apoyar los desafíos a los sistemas opresivos. A través de métodos probados, herramientas prácticas y actividades experienciales, lxs participantes podrán avanzar mejor en su trabajo en el mundo. Parte 2 de una sesión doble. 

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Debra Alexander

Principal, Alexander Consulting & Training, Inc.
Debra Alexander Organization Development (OD) Consultant DEIA Strategist and HR Advisor Debra Alexander has many years of experience working in the higher education, non-profit and for profit, and public service sectors. A former Federal employee, she worked for HHS and OPM, and... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Triton's Pub

5:00pm EDT

Playing & Plotting / Jugar y tramar
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Bring your needs and your questions, and we’ll play games and plot through our struggles. This is “networking” and conspiring, PTO-style. Come for the intimacy, vulnerability, and laughter – leave with new tools, connections, and affirmations for your inner child. All in the name of liberation.  / Traiga sus necesidades y sus preguntas, y jugaremos y tramaremos nuestras luchas. Esto es “trabajo en red” y conspiración, al estilo PTO. Venga por la intimidad, la vulnerabilidad y la risa; váyase con nuevas herramientas, conexiones y afirmaciones para su niño interior. Todo en nombre de la liberación.  

This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott (He/They) loves telling and sharing stories. Evren is a strategist, joker, facilitator and storyteller who has called Indianapolis his home for the past decade. His current project, “Imagining Home: liberatory theatre and speculative solutions for housing justice... Read More →
Saturday June 1, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Bininger Theatre

6:45pm EDT

Shuttle Pickup at Eckerd back to Hampton Inn & Suites / El autobús de cortesía sale de Eckerd College para Hampton Inn and Suites.
Saturday June 1, 2024 6:45pm - 7:00pm EDT
Board the shuttle back to Hampton Inn & Suites. Shuttle leaves at 7:00pm. / Shuttle Pickup at Eckerd to go back to Hampton Inn and Suites at 7 PM. / El autobús de cortesía sale de Eckerd College a las 7 PM para Hampton Inn and Suites.

Saturday June 1, 2024 6:45pm - 7:00pm EDT

7:30pm EDT

Social: PTO Final Night Social Gathering / Evento social para celebrar la noche final de la conferencia
Saturday June 1, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm EDT
Come to the final night social gathering for dancing, music, karaoke, fun, and socializing! / ¡Vengan a este evento social de la última noche de la conferencia para bailar, escuchar música, karaoke, divertirte y socializar!
Saturday June 1, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm EDT
Triton's Pub
Sunday, June 2

7:45am EDT

Shuttle Pickup at Hampton Inn & Suites / El autobús de cortesía sale de Hampton Inn and Suites
Sunday June 2, 2024 7:45am - 8:00am EDT
Shuttle from Hampton Inn & Suites to the conference. Shuttle departs at 8:00 am. / El autobús de cortesía sale a las 8:00 AM de Hampton Inn and Suites.
Sunday June 2, 2024 7:45am - 8:00am EDT

9:00am EDT

Historical Narrative Art: Now a Restorative Practice / Arte narrativo histórico: ahora una práctica restaurativa
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
The workshop will be a presentation on narrative paintings centered on history and a hands on activity where participants will start or create a work of art that is historical in context. / El taller será una presentación sobre pinturas narrativas centradas en la historia y una actividad práctica donde lxs participantes comenzarán o crearán una obra de arte histórica en su contexto.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Dr. Dallas Jackson

Researcher and artist, Dr. Dallas Jackson- artist
I am a practicing artist, research consultant with USF REACH grant, a 30 year educator having led schools in high poverty communities and have worked K12 through postsecondary teaching and leading teachers. My arts practice is focused on historical narratives of African American life... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Triton's Pub

9:00am EDT

Theater of empathy and bridge-building / Teatro de empatía y construcción de puentes
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
In this workshop you will get an introduction to playback theatre - the theater of empathy. You will practice tools for building bridges between people, including between people in conflict. / En este taller obtendrá una introducción al teatro de reproducción: el teatro de la empatía. Practicará herramientas para construir puentes entre personas, incluso entre personas en conflicto.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Olga Sanachina

Artistic director, Thread Playback Theater (Sarasota, Fl)
Accredited trainer of Playback Theatre (Centre of Playback Theatre), Founder of Thread Playback Theater (Sarasota, Fl, US) https://www.facebook.com/PlaybackTheatreSarasota Co-founder of the playback theatre «New Jazz» and Central Playback Theater School (Russia). Co-founder, art... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Fox Hall B

9:00am EDT

TO in performance – provocation and seduction (Part 1 of a double session) / TO en performance – provocación y seducción (Parte 1 de una sesión doble)
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30pm EDT
This workshop will focus on the art of conducting Forum Theatre with audiences new to TO, possibly with different political stances, when we may not be preaching to the choir. Part 1 of a double session. / Este taller se centrará en el arte de dirigir Teatro Foro con audiencias nuevas en TO, posiblemente con diferentes posturas políticas, cuando es posible que no estemos “predicando al coro.” Parte 1 de una sesión doble. 

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Adrian Jackson

Adrian Jackson MBE is a theatre-maker, activist, translator and teacher, with a particular expertise in the Theatre of the Oppressed. He translated five books by Augusto Boal into English and collaborated with him on many occasions in the 1990s and 2000s. He was also the founder director... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 9:00am - 10:30pm EDT
Miller Auditorium

10:45am EDT

Non-Joking Matters: The Ethics of Performance-Based Research / Asuntos que no son de broma: la ética de la investigación basada en el performance
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
This paper presentation explores jokering performed to resist or reify exclusion. Our guiding question: How can we reproduce anti-oppressive performance arts-based research without reproducing oppression? is answered from our dialogical development of self and projects over the last three years. / Esta presentación de artículo explora interpretar un rol de curinga para resistir o materializar la exclusión. Nuestra pregunta guía: ¿Cómo podemos reproducir la investigación anti-opresiva basada en las artes escénicas sin reproducir la opresión? Se responde desde nuestro desarrollo dialógico de nosotrxs mismxs y de nuestrxs proyectos durante los últimos tres años.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for Cornelio Aguilera

Cornelio Aguilera

Officer/Teatro Coach/Actor, Outcast Theatre Collective
Cornelio “Coky” Aguilera (he, him, el, del, etc.) studied as an Acting Specialist at UW Madison, moved to the Tampa area, and has been working professionally with the following companies since 2012: Stageworks Theatre, A Simple Theatre, The Tampa Repertory Theatre, St. Petersburg... Read More →
avatar for Tara Nkrumah

Tara Nkrumah

ASU Assistant Professor, Assistant Research Professor, Center for Gender Equity in Science and Technology (CGEST)
Tara Nkrumah, Ph.D. is an Assistant Research Professor in the Center for Gender Equity in Science and Technology at Arizona State University, Tempe. Her research agenda centers on equitable teaching practices for anti-oppressive discourse in education and science, technology, engineering... Read More →

LaSonja Roberts

LaSonja Roberts, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of educational leadership at Western Michigan University. Her research agenda focuses on leader preparation and retention, specifically the use of appreciative leadership to create environments that foster learning and well-being for... Read More →
avatar for Vonzell Agosto

Vonzell Agosto

Professor, University of South Florida
Dr. Vonzell Agosto, PhD. is a Professor of Curriculum Studies and Chair of the Department of Educational, Leadership, and Lifelong Learning. Her research focuses on curriculum leadership and anti-oppressive education. Dr. Agosto was an educator in Chicago and the Chicagoland area... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Triton's Pub

10:45am EDT

Exposure to More Universal Teaching / Learning Methods to Reach Those Who are Neurodivergent and Better for Everyone / Exposición a métodos de enseñanza/aprendizaje más universales para llegar a aquellxs que son neurodivergentes y métodos que son mejores
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Explore blocks like Negative Self Talk that keep Us From Getting Things Done - similar to Augusto Boal's cop-in-the-head technique. / Explore bloqueos como el diálogo interno negativo que nos impiden hacer las cosas. Esta sesión tiene que ver con técnicas parecidas a la técnica de “lxs policías en la cabeza” de Augusto Boal.

​​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.
avatar for MärRem


Founder, MärRem Consulting
As a consultant, I specialize in working with those who are neurodivergent to help them go from overwhelm, fatigue and despair to confidence, clarity and connection. Using a wide variety of disciplines, including somatic experiential modalities, I help them and others understand their... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Fox Hall B

10:45am EDT

TO in performance – provocation and seduction (Part 2 of a double session) / TO en performance – provocación y seducción (Parte 2 de una sesión doble)
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
This workshop will focus on the art of conducting Forum Theatre with audiences new to TO, possibly with different political stances, when we may not be preaching to the choir. Part 2 of a double session. / Este taller se centrará en el arte de dirigir Teatro Foro con audiencias nuevas en TO, posiblemente con diferentes posturas políticas, cuando es posible que no estemos “predicando al coro.” Parte 2 de una sesión doble. 

​​This session will be presented in English. / Esta sesión se presentará en inglés.

Adrian Jackson

Adrian Jackson MBE is a theatre-maker, activist, translator and teacher, with a particular expertise in the Theatre of the Oppressed. He translated five books by Augusto Boal into English and collaborated with him on many occasions in the 1990s and 2000s. He was also the founder director... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Miller Auditorium

12:15pm EDT

Closing Session of the Conference / La sesión de clausura de la conferencia
Sunday June 2, 2024 12:15pm - 1:00pm EDT
Come to the closing session (all-conference session) ! Help forge the future of PTO! / ¡Vengan a la sesión de clausura (una sesión con toda la comunidad de la conferencia)! ¡Ayude a forjar el futuro de la PTO!

Simultaneous interpretation into Spanish will be provided via headsets during the all-conference sessions (plenary sessions). If you would like to access the translation into Spanish, please come to the registration table and ask for a headset 5-10 minutes before the all conference session that you are attending. / Se proporcionará interpretación simultánea al español mediante auriculares durante todas las sesiones de la conferencia (sesiones plenarias). Si desea acceder a la traducción al español, acérquese a la mesa de inscripción y solicite unos auriculares entre 5 y 10 minutos antes de la sesión de la conferencia a la que asistirá.
Sunday June 2, 2024 12:15pm - 1:00pm EDT
Miller Auditorium

1:15pm EDT

Shuttle Pickup at Eckerd back to Hampton Inn & Suites / El autobús de cortesía sale de Eckerd College para Hampton Inn & Suites
Sunday June 2, 2024 1:15pm - 1:30pm EDT
This is the very last shuttle, and it goes from Eckerd back to Hampton Inn & Suites. Shuttle departs at 1:30 pm. / Este es el último servicio de transporte y va desde Eckerd de regreso al Hampton Inn & Suites. Este autobús de cortesía sale a las 1:30 PM.
Sunday June 2, 2024 1:15pm - 1:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

(SOLD OUT) Post-Conference Workshop - Forum Theatre: Devising & Jokering / (NO HAY LUGARES) Taller pos-conferencia - Teatro Foro: Creación y Hacer el Rol Curinga
Sunday June 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Forum Theatre is, without a doubt, the most famous technique of Theatre of the Oppressed. Ideally, a Forum Theatre performance is devised by a group of people who experience a common oppression, and the plot represents a protagonist trying to overcome that oppression and failing to do so. A Forum Theatre play is presented twice for its audience; the second time, spectators have the right to intervene to replace the protagonist and try other alternatives in order to overcome oppression. This technique became famous worldwide. Dozens and dozens of countries have groups that do Forum Theatre. At the same time, the relative ease of devising Forum Theatre cannot hide the difficulty of representing oppression onstage. How do we represent the brutality of a police officer as the result of a system and not merely bad behavior by an individual? How do we represent domestic violence in a way that goes far beyond a domestic setting to show how society allows and encourages such violence? This workshop will explore those devising and representational questions, but it will also focus on jokering. In Forum Theatre, a joker is the person who hosts or facilitates the interaction between the audience and those onstage. Jokers invite spectators (or, as Augusto Boal would call them, spect-actors) into the onstage action, but they do so in such a way that everyone–the entire public present—engages in a collective discussion on the topic presented. How can a joker frame the conversation without limiting it? How can they conduct certain elements of the process without directing them? How can a joker act as one with the ensemble onstage? We’ll also consider how they can mirror the various opinions present in the audience so that the fundamental question of a Forum Theatre session comes to the foreground: are the people there for that performance just a random assemblage of individuals, or is there a possibility for a collective to emerge from the diversity of opinions and life trajectories present in the space?*

El Teatro Foro es, sin duda, la técnica más famosa del Teatro del Oprimido. Idealmente, una representación de Teatro Foro es ideada por un grupo de personas que experimentan una opresión común, y la trama representa a un/a/x protagonista que intenta superar esa opresión y no lo logra. Una obra de Teatro Foro se presenta dos veces para su público; la segunda vez, lxs espectadorxs tienen derecho a intervenir para reemplazar al protagonista y probar otras alternativas para superar la opresión. Esta técnica se hizo famosa en todo el mundo. Decenas y decenas de países tienen grupos que hacen Teatro Foro. Al mismo tiempo, la relativa facilidad para idear/crear el Teatro Foro no puede ocultar la dificultad de representar la opresión en el escenario. ¿Cómo representamos la brutalidad de un oficial de policía como resultado de un sistema y no simplemente como el mal comportamiento de un individuo? ¿Cómo representamos la violencia doméstica de una manera que vaya mucho más allá de un entorno doméstico para mostrar cómo la sociedad permite y fomenta dicha violencia? Este taller explorará esas cuestiones de creación y representación, pero también se centrará en cómo funcionar en el rol curinga. En Teatro Foro, el/la/le curinga es la persona que acoge o facilita la interacción entre el público y lxs que están en el escenario. Lxs curingas invitan a lxs espectadorxs (o, como lxs llamaría Augusto Boal, espect-actores) a la acción en el escenario, pero lo hacen de tal manera que todxs – todo el público presente – se involucran en una conversación colectiva sobre el tema presentado. ¿Cómo puede el/la/le curinga encuadrar la conversación sin limitarla? ¿Cómo puede conducir ciertos elementos del proceso sin dirigirlos? ¿Cómo puede el/la/le curinga actuar como uno solo con el conjunto en el escenario? También consideraremos cómo pueden reflejar las diversas opiniones presentes en la audiencia para que la pregunta fundamental de una sesión de Teatro Foro pase a primer plano: ¿las personas presentes para esa representación son solo un conjunto aleatorio de individuxs, o existe la posibilidad que surja un colectivo de la diversidad de opiniones y trayectorias de vida presentes en el espacio?

Language: The primary language of this workshop will be English; however, the facilitator could answer a participant question in any of the following languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. / Idioma: El idioma principal de este taller será inglés; sin embargo, el facilitador podría responder a la pregunta de unx participante en cualquiera de los siguientes idiomas: inglés, español, portugués y francés.

Other important notes are located alongside the description for this workshop on our website. / Otras notas importantes están ubicadas con la descripción de este taller en nuestro sitio web. 
avatar for Julian Boal

Julian Boal

JULIAN BOAL is a teacher, researcher, and practitioner of Theatre of the Oppressed. He has facilitated workshops in more than 25 countries and has collaborated on several international festivals of Theatre of the Oppressed: in India with Jana Sanskriti, in Spain with Pa’tothom... Read More →
Sunday June 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Fox Hall
Tuesday, June 25

7:00am EDT

Online Conference Days Opening Session
Tuesday June 25, 2024 7:00am - 8:45am EDT
Join us in the Online Commons to open our two online conference days, facilitated by the co-presidents of PTO!
avatar for Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott (He/They) loves telling and sharing stories. Evren is a strategist, joker, facilitator and storyteller who has called Indianapolis his home for the past decade. His current project, “Imagining Home: liberatory theatre and speculative solutions for housing justice... Read More →
Tuesday June 25, 2024 7:00am - 8:45am EDT
Online Conference Session

9:00am EDT

Navigating the Cleaning Crew from Oppression to Liberation at Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) in Pakistan / Llevando al equipo de limpieza de la opresión a la liberación en Forman Christian College (una universidad pública) en Pakistán
Tuesday June 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
This paper talks about a semester-long navigation of my students (enrolled in Creative Nonfiction course) under my guidance (in the department of English) to explore the oppression faced by working staff/ cleaning crew/ sanitation workers at Forman Christian College University. / Este artículo habla de una navegación de un semestre con mis estudiantes (matriculadxs en el curso de no-ficción creativa) bajo mi dirección (en el departamento de inglés) para explorar la opresión que enfrentan el personal de trabajo/equipo de limpieza/trabajadorxs de saneamiento en Forman Christian College University.

This is a shared paper session with Sam Brakarsh: Theatres of Change: The Art of Subversion, Mobilization, and Communication in Zimbabwean Social Theatre / Teatros de cambio: el arte de la subversión, la movilización y la comunicación en el teatro social de Zimbabwe.

NOTE: You will need to log in to your Zoom account after clicking on the link in order to access this session!
avatar for Mir Subbah

Mir Subbah

Assistant Professor, Forman Christian College University
I'm serving as an assistant professor in the department of English in Forman Christian College University, Pakistan. My area of interest is drama, theatre, and community activism. I'm thrilled to be connected to PTO community and meet with like-minded people through this conference... Read More →

Sam Brakarsh

Africa Regional Representative (ARC), Co-founder (Chikukwa Research Trust), Artist at Risk Connection; Chikukwa Research Trust
Sam Brakarsh read Theatre of The Oppressed eight years ago and it has become a central component of his art, scholarship, and activism ever since. He is from Zimbabwe where he cofounded the Chikukwa Research Trust and Culture Centre, focusing on sustainable governance, regenerative... Read More →
Tuesday June 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Online Conference Session

9:00am EDT

Theatres of Change: The Art of Subversion, Mobilization, and Communication in Zimbabwean Social Theatre / Teatros de cambio: el arte de la subversión, la movilización y la comunicación en el teatro social de Zimbabwe
Tuesday June 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
As a TO practitioner in Zimbabwe, I share three stories of theatrical resistance. These cases show how theatre rooted in emancipatory and participatory pedagogy developed independently in Southern Africa, how it has often found articulation in Boal’s work, and what insights it has to offer. / Como practicante de TO en Zimbabwe, comparto tres historias de resistencia teatral. Estos casos muestran cómo el teatro arraigado en la pedagogía emancipadora y participativa se desarrolló de forma independiente en el sur de África, cómo a menudo ha encontrado articulación en la obra de Boal y qué ideas tiene para ofrecer.

This is a shared paper session with Mir Subbah: Navigating the Cleaning Crew from Oppression to Liberation at Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) in Pakistan / Llevando al equipo de limpieza de la opresión a la liberación en Forman Christian College (una universidad pública) en Pakistán

NOTE: You will need to log in to your Zoom account after clicking on the link in order to access this session! 

Sam Brakarsh

Africa Regional Representative (ARC), Co-founder (Chikukwa Research Trust), Artist at Risk Connection; Chikukwa Research Trust
Sam Brakarsh read Theatre of The Oppressed eight years ago and it has become a central component of his art, scholarship, and activism ever since. He is from Zimbabwe where he cofounded the Chikukwa Research Trust and Culture Centre, focusing on sustainable governance, regenerative... Read More →
avatar for Mir Subbah

Mir Subbah

Assistant Professor, Forman Christian College University
I'm serving as an assistant professor in the department of English in Forman Christian College University, Pakistan. My area of interest is drama, theatre, and community activism. I'm thrilled to be connected to PTO community and meet with like-minded people through this conference... Read More →
Tuesday June 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Online Conference Session

9:00am EDT

The Theory Of Indivisibility / La teoría de la indivisibilidad
Tuesday June 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Objectives: Analyze social systems' evolution, rooted in power-over.  Explore tools for transitioning to power-with systems. Identify and discuss power-over tools and the role of self-awareness in ending oppression. / Objetivos: Analizar la evolución de los sistemas sociales, arraigada en el “poder sobre” o “power-over.” Explorar herramientas para la transición a sistemas del “poder-con” o “power-with.” Identificar y charlar de las herramientas de poder y el papel de la autoconciencia para poner fin a la opresión.

Tuesday June 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Online Conference Session

9:00am EDT

“Daring the Impossible: Envisioning Justice Through AI-Inspired Theatre” / Atreverse a lo imposible: imaginar la justicia a través del teatro inspirado en la inteligencia artificial
Tuesday June 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Craft stories for change with AI in 'Daring the Impossible.' Learn, play, and explore tech as an ally in justice and peace activism with 'Augusto Boal and Uri Noy Mei / Cree historias para el cambio con IA en 'Daring the Impossible'. Aprenda, juegue y explore la tecnología como aliada en el activismo por la justicia y la paz con ‘Augusto B y Uri Noy Meir

avatar for Uri Noy Meir

Uri Noy Meir

CEO, Bama Maps
Father, Artist, and Founder. I cultivate and design learning spaces inspired by nature and empowered by play.
Tuesday June 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Online Conference Session

10:45am EDT

Open DIscussions -- Choose Your Own Topic! / Discusiones abiertas: ¡elija su propio tema!
Tuesday June 25, 2024 10:45am - 12:00pm EDT
Open Session Discussions! In this time block, we are reserving space to host any sort of conversation you want to have! Simply return to the creative commons (link below), and we will create breakout rooms for each discussion topic.

Have an idea you want to present? Have an issue you want to discuss with others? This is the place to come and dialogue around your own interests and concerns!

¡Sesiones abiertas de debates! ¡En este bloque de tiempo, estamos reservando espacio para albergar cualquier tipo de conversación que desees tener! Simplemente regrese a Creative Commons (enlace a continuación) y crearemos salas de trabajo para cada tema de discusión.

¿Tienes una idea que quieras presentar? ¿Tiene un problema que desea discutir con otros? ¡Éste es el lugar para venir y dialogar sobre tus propios intereses e inquietudes!
Tuesday June 25, 2024 10:45am - 12:00pm EDT
Online Conference Session

12:15pm EDT

Tuesday June 25, 2024 12:15pm - 1:45pm EDT
Tuesday June 25, 2024 12:15pm - 1:45pm EDT
Online Conference Session

2:00pm EDT

All Conference Commons / Espacio en común para toda la comunidad de la conferencia
Tuesday June 25, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
This is a moment to come together as a community and share an ONLINE PTO strategy and reflect on the morning’s sessions

Nadia Garzón

Zero HIV Stigma, Descolonizarte TEATRO
Desco’s Founder and Executive Director. Her work focuses on Latin American theater with an emphasis on theater for social change and the use of theater as a tool for decolonization. Her work is influenced by her activism and at the core of what she does is the belief that our bodies... Read More →
Tuesday June 25, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Online Conference Session

3:15pm EDT

Fluid Liberation: Ayurveda Meditation, Theater / Liberación Fluida: Ayurveda, Meditación, Teatro
Tuesday June 25, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Dive into the transformative waters of well-being. Explore Ayurveda's fluid balance, find stillness in meditation practices, and navigate societal dynamics through the powerful currents of theater. Embrace healing and liberation in this immersive workshop. / Sumérjase en las aguas transformadoras del bienestar. Explore el equilibrio fluido del Ayurveda, encuentre la quietud en las prácticas de meditación y navegue por la dinámica social a través de las poderosas corrientes del teatro. Abrace la curación y la liberación en este taller inmersivo.

Tuesday June 25, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Online Conference Session

3:15pm EDT

Historical Narrative Art: Now a Restorative Practice Part 1 / Arte narrativo histórico: ahora una práctica restaurativa Parte 1
Tuesday June 25, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
The workshop will be a presentation on narrative paintings centered on history and a hands on activity where participants will start or create a work of art that is historical in context. / El taller será una presentación sobre pinturas narrativas centradas en la historia y una actividad práctica donde lxs participantes comenzarán o crearán una obra de arte histórica en su contexto.

This is part 1 of a double session. / Esta sesión es parte 1 de un a sesión doble.

Dr. Dallas Jackson

Researcher and artist, Dr. Dallas Jackson- artist
I am a practicing artist, research consultant with USF REACH grant, a 30 year educator having led schools in high poverty communities and have worked K12 through postsecondary teaching and leading teachers. My arts practice is focused on historical narratives of African American life... Read More →
Tuesday June 25, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Online Conference Session

5:00pm EDT

Historical Narrative Art: Now a Restorative Practice Part 2 / Arte narrativo histórico: ahora una práctica restaurativa Parte 2
Tuesday June 25, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
The workshop will be a presentation on narrative paintings centered on history and a hands on activity where participants will start or create a work of art that is historical in context. / El taller será una presentación sobre pinturas narrativas centradas en la historia y una actividad práctica donde lxs participantes comenzarán o crearán una obra de arte histórica en su contexto.

This is part 2 of a double session. / Esta sesión es parte 2 de una sesión doble

Dr. Dallas Jackson

Researcher and artist, Dr. Dallas Jackson- artist
I am a practicing artist, research consultant with USF REACH grant, a 30 year educator having led schools in high poverty communities and have worked K12 through postsecondary teaching and leading teachers. My arts practice is focused on historical narratives of African American life... Read More →
Tuesday June 25, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Online Conference Session

7:00pm EDT

All Conference Commons / espacio en común para toda la comunidad de la conferencia
Tuesday June 25, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Come wrap up the day together with your questions, ideas, and plans!

avatar for Charles Adams

Charles Adams

Lecturer, Augsburg University
Charles Adams is a teacher, writer, dramaturg, and facilitator/joker in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. He has a PhD in Theatre Historiography from the University of Minnesota and an MFA in drama and theatre for youth from the University of Texas at Austin. His research is in areas... Read More →
Tuesday June 25, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Online Conference Session
Wednesday, June 26

9:00am EDT

Art in Action: Reshaping Communities with Image Theatre / Arte en acción: remodelando comunidades con el Teatro Imágen
Wednesday June 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Art in Action; Reshaping Communities with Image Theatre” is an interactive workshop exploring the transformative power of Image Theatre to address social issues. Non-actor participants develop skills in expressive communication without words and are empowered to become advocates for social change. / “Arte en Acción: Remodelando Comunidades con El Teatro Imágen” es un taller interactivo que explora el poder transformador del Teatro Imágen para abordar problemas sociales. Lxs participantes no-actores desarrollan habilidades de comunicación expresiva sin palabras y están capacitadxs para convertirse en defensorxs del cambio social.

This is a shared paper presentation with Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik :Developments in Legislative Theatre - towards informed model of participation / Avances en el teatro legislativo: hacia un modelo informado de participación
avatar for Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik

Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik

Legislative Theatre enthusiast, practitioner and researcher.Department of Sociology of Law – Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

Vincent Iaropoli

As a seasoned arts administrator and teaching artist, I bring over 25 years of experience from a diverse array of arts organizations, including the Juilliard School, New York City Opera, and Elevator Repair Service Theater. My journey in the world of performing arts has taken me from... Read More →
Wednesday June 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Online Conference Session

9:00am EDT

Developments in Legislative Theatre - towards informed model of participation / Avances en el teatro legislativo: hacia un modelo informado de participación
Wednesday June 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
During the presentation, I will outline my research on the Legislative Theatre. Starting from the experience of A. Boal, in Rio, I will present different approaches presented by practitioners around the globe as well as some focal points of the Legislative Theatre process. / Durante la presentación, esbozaré mi investigación sobre el Teatro Legislativo. A partir de la experiencia de A. Boal en Río, presentaré diferentes enfoques presentados por profesionales de todo el mundo, así como algunos puntos focales del proceso del Teatro Legislativo.

This is a shared paper presentation with Vincent Iaropoli : Art in Action: Reshaping Communities with Image Theatre / Arte en acción: remodelando comunidades con el Teatro Imágen
avatar for Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik

Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik

Legislative Theatre enthusiast, practitioner and researcher.Department of Sociology of Law – Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

Vincent Iaropoli

As a seasoned arts administrator and teaching artist, I bring over 25 years of experience from a diverse array of arts organizations, including the Juilliard School, New York City Opera, and Elevator Repair Service Theater. My journey in the world of performing arts has taken me from... Read More →
Wednesday June 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Online Conference Session

9:00am EDT

Using pop-ed to build radical social work and youth work community / Uso de la educación popular para construir una comunidad radical de trabajo social y trabajo juvenil
Wednesday June 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
This workshop will engage participants in exploring how I/we use pop-ed to build community across socially constructed differences while embodying the transformed world we are creating. / Este taller involucrará a lxs participantes en la exploración de cómo yo/nosotrxs utilizamos la educación pop para construir una comunidad a través de las diferencias socialmente construidas y al mismo tiempo encarnar el mundo transformado que estamos creando.

Wednesday June 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Online Conference Session

10:45am EDT

Confront Dehumanization of Humans on Public Support Programs / Enfrentar la deshumanización de los seres humanos en los programas de apoyo público
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
The session will acknowledge and challenge the oppression experienced by the people on social welfare programs. / La sesión reconocerá y desafiará la opresión que experimenta la gente en los programas de bienestar social.

avatar for Neerja Singh

Neerja Singh

Clinical Director, Department of Human Services-MN
I am a public servant leading the State of Minnesota’s health care reform through an equity lens. I am Bush fellow for 2023 and strongly believe that no public policy decision will be made without authentic community engagement. I am currently pursuing masters in civic engagement... Read More →
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Online Conference Session

10:45am EDT

Newspaper Theatre: challenges and possibilities in the digital communication era / Teatro Periódico: desafíos y posibilidades en la era de la comunicación digital
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Newspaper Theatre was developed under the 20th century dictatorship in Brazil to fight against the dictatorship and organize the people's resistance. If those were the aims in the time of its creation, what is its potential for social movements to use it in the current times? / El Teatro Periódico se desarrolló durante la dictadura del siglo XX en Brasil para luchar contra la dictadura y organizar la resistencia popular. Si esos eran los objetivos en el momento de su creación, ¿cuál es su potencial para que los movimientos sociales lo utilicen en los tiempos actuales?

avatar for Sabrina Speranza Signorelli

Sabrina Speranza Signorelli

Professor, Escuela Multidisciplinaria de Arte Dramático
I am an actress and teacher. Since 2005, I have dedicated myself to research and liminal practice at the interaction of (and between) theatre and politics, especially in relation to Theater of the Oppressed as a methodology. One of my main areas of interest is related to prisons and... Read More →
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Online Conference Session

10:45am EDT

Yes and Yoga / Sí y Yoga
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Building on the theater golden rule of improv's "yes, and," Kerry leads a meditation, using the senses to spark creativity. Participants warm up with MBSR, Qigong, then reimagine Boal's Games for Actor’s and Non Actors with a trauma-informed approach and consent practices in pairs. / Basándose en la regla de oro de la improvisación, "sí y,” Kerry dirige una meditación, utilizando los sentidos para despertar la creatividad. Lxs participantes calientan con MBSR y Qigong y luego reinventan los juegos de Boal para actores y no actores con un enfoque basado en el trauma y prácticas de consentimiento en parejas.

avatar for Kerry Warren

Kerry Warren

alumni, The Juilliard School
I am an actor and teaching artist for 52nd St. Project and Arts Connection.
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Online Conference Session

12:15pm EDT

Wednesday June 26, 2024 12:15pm - 1:45pm EDT
Wednesday June 26, 2024 12:15pm - 1:45pm EDT
Online Conference Session

2:00pm EDT

ALL CONFERENCE COMMONS -- PTO Journal Session / Espacio en común para toda la comunidad de la conferencia -- Una sesión sobre la PTO Journal
Wednesday June 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
In addition to having some space to discuss the morning's sessions, Patricia Freitas, Co-Editor of PTO Journal, will provide PTO Conference participants with information about the main perspectives and goals of the PTO Journal. We will also share the Call for Proposals for 2024, and create an open space for discussion about the next volumes. / Esta charla tiene como objetivo proporcionar a lxs participantes de la conferencia de la PTO información sobre las principales perspectivas y objetivos del PTO Journal. También compartiremos la convocatoria de propuestas para 2024 y crearemos un espacio abierto para hablar sobre los próximos volúmenes.

Patricia Freitas

Co-Editor of PTO Journal, GETEPOL
Patricia Freitas dos Santos is a literary translator, founder of GETEPOL (Research Group on Political Theatre) and holds a Ph.D from the University of São Paulo/ Brazil in the field of Language and Arts. Her research focuses on Augusto Boal’s work in exile, especially the three... Read More →
Wednesday June 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Online Conference Session

3:15pm EDT

(re)Imagining Dialogue: Speaking to and Learning from my Ancestor to Cast out Haints / (re)Imaginar el diálogo: hablando con (y aprendiendo de) mi antepasadx
Wednesday June 26, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
In utilizing the Black Storytelling Tradition, I share interconnected stories, poems, dreams, “memorys”, “rememorys”, stream of consciousness, and sketches that demonstrate how haints shaped the navigation of my heritage language (African American Language, AAL) and my Black cultural identity. / Presentaré mi estudio mediante una presentación de diapositivas. Después tendré un diálogo con lxs oyentes.

Wednesday June 26, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Online Conference Session

3:15pm EDT

The Equity Academy: An Experiment of Theatre of the Oppressed for Health Equity in a local Public Health Department / La Academia de Equidad: Un experimento de Teatro del Oprimido para la equidad en salud en un departamento de salud pública local
Wednesday June 26, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
The presenter will share their experience practicing Theatre of the Oppressed as part of a team focused on racial/health equity initiatives within a local health department in Austin, Texas, USA. / La presentadora compartirá su experiencia practicando el Teatro del Oprimido como parte de un equipo enfocado en iniciativas de equidad racial/salud dentro de un departamento de salud local en Austin, Texas, EE.UU.
Wednesday June 26, 2024 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT
Online Conference Session

5:00pm EDT

Exploring Therapeutic Dimensions in Theatre of the Oppressed Workshops for Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men / Explorando las dimensiones terapéuticas en los talleres del Teatro del Oprimido para hombres homosexuales, bisexuales y queer
Wednesday June 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
This presentation uncovers the outcomes of a TO workshop for queer men in Singapore. It details the session frameworks and unanticipated therapeutic impacts. Closing with insights on integrating healing and group-care, it offers reflective questions for TO practitioners to enrich their practice. / Esta presentación explica los resultados de un taller de TO para hombres queer en Singapur. Detalla los marcos de las sesiones y los impactos terapéuticos inesperados. Cerrando con ideas sobre la integración de la curación y la atención grupal, ofrece preguntas reflexivas para que lxs practicantes de TO enriquezcan su práctica.

Wednesday June 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Online Conference Session

5:00pm EDT

Playground of Curiosity: What is it like when… / Patio de juegos de la curiosidad: ¿Cómo es cuando...?
Wednesday June 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Playground of Curiosity: What is it like when...? When you find yourself flummoxed by the people around you due to your disability? When you are with a friend with a disability and no one’s talking about it. This workshop will bring us joy and somewhat a saga! / Patio de juegos de la curiosidad: ¿Cómo es cuando...? ¿Cuando se encuentra desconcertadx por las personas que le rodean debido a su discapacidad? Cuando está con unx amigx con discapacidad y nadie habla de ello. ¡Este taller nos traerá alegría y algo de una saga!


elizaBeth Simpson

PhD candidate, University of Illinois
I have been affiliated with Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed since 1999.
Wednesday June 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Online Conference Session

7:00pm EDT

All CONFERENCE CLOSING / La sesión de clausura de la conferencia
Wednesday June 26, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Come spend one final moment collaborating, dreaming, and planning together!
avatar for Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott

Evren Wilder Elliott (He/They) loves telling and sharing stories. Evren is a strategist, joker, facilitator and storyteller who has called Indianapolis his home for the past decade. His current project, “Imagining Home: liberatory theatre and speculative solutions for housing justice... Read More →
Wednesday June 26, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Online Conference Session
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